
Blogging on programming and life in general.

  • I’ve recently updated my website from the ground up (something I will write in greater detail in a future post) and when it came to releasing all changes to Netlify, I was greeted by the following error in the build log:

    7:39:29 PM: $ gatsby build
    7:39:30 PM: error Gatsby requires Node.js 14.15.0 or higher (you have v12.18.0).
    7:39:30 PM: Upgrade Node to the latest stable release:

    Based on the error, it appears that the Node version installed on my machine is older than what Netlify requires... In fact, I was surprised to discover that it was very old. So I updated Node on my local environment as well as all of the NPM packages for my website.

    I now needed to ensure my website hosted in Netlify was using the same versions.

    The quickest way to update Node and NPM versions is to add the following environment variables to your site:

    NODE_VERSION = "14.15.0"
    NPM_VERSION = "8.5.5"

    You can also set the Node and NPM versions by adding a netlify.toml file to the root of your website project before committing your build to Netlify:

        NODE_VERSION = "14.15.0"
        NPM_VERSION = "8.5.5" 
  • Published on
    4 min read

    300th Blog Post!

    Hitting the 300th blog post milestone isn't something I could have ever imagined. But here we are. This seems like an ideal opportunity to look back and reflect on how it all started and my journey...

    Where It Started

    The year is 2007. A 22-year-old junior web developer called Surinder decided he wanted to create a blog to primarily serve as a knowledge base of all the things he learned in his career so far. Originally, built in BlogEngine - a nice open-source and lightweight .NET-based blogging platform, he made his foray into the blogging world.

    The very first post published involved a SQL matter that (at the time) he thought was very complex in nature - Implement SCOPE_IDENTITY() in Data Access Layer. It was this very post that started it all and as they say: The rest is history...

    As strange as it may sound, at the very start, my blog was a secret that I hid from my peers. Being a junior developer, I found myself lacking confidence in the very industry I was working in. What right do I have to start a blog and share any technical knowledge when those who I worked with are more experienced than me?

    After three years when I felt more confident in the type of posts my blog contained, I decided to allow search engines to index my content. It was also during this time I moved on job-wise and used my website to give my prospective employer an insight into my capability. It must have worked - I got the job!

    Identity Crisis

    In the early years, my blog had a bit of an identity crisis when it came to its domain name. It started with, to, then and lastly to what it will forever be immortalised as - The change in the domain name was a result of not wanting there to be an expectation that I will solely be writing about technical-related content and wanted the website to focus more on me as an individual.

    Finding My Writing Groove

    Throughout my time blogging, I've fallen in and out of love of writing and at times hit writer's block. As a consequence, there have at times been gaps in consistently outputting content. I think this is primarily due to taking a very long time to find my feet and finding a voice.

    I can honestly say that it's over the last few years I've finally found my writing groove and figured out the type of content I want to push out. Not only do I enjoy writing about all things technical, but also started garnering a fascination with writing more personal pieces where I’m not bound by any specific subject.

    Writing Is Both A Passion and A Healer

    The driving force after publishing my latest posts is the excitement of thinking about what to write next. This mentality has worked great for me as I know my next post will help me grow whatever the subject is in my next writing endeavour. I no longer feel like writing is a discipline, it's a passion.

    There is something cathartic in pounding the keys of my keyboard to output something that was once a small thought in my head to something of substance. I also found that writing acts as a coping mechanism during times of negativity and stress.

    Cringe Factor

    I do cringe looking back at some of my earlier posts. As much as I'd like to delete these posts, I leave them as they are to act as an anchor to ground me and as a reminder of how far I've come. Through the thirty pages of posts, I can see how I've changed throughout the years and grown as a person.

    In the very beginning writing was a way to make my mark in the world and if I could get some form of monetary gain or high readership for a post, I'd class that as a win. Now that I've matured this has is no longer of relevance.

    Content Syndication

    My strategy now is to make my content accessible to a wider audience by syndicating posts to other platforms. Syndication takes your content to more readers and helps boost organic and referral traffic back to your website. At the moment, I syndicate my content based on the subject matter:

    What I've learnt is that it's all about serving the right content to the right users.

    Imposter Syndrome

    Even now after 15 years of writing, I still suffer from the occasional bout of imposter syndrome where I perceive my skill set as lower than my actual skill set. There will always be someone capable of doing things better and I have to remember this shouldn't be a negative takeaway. Surrounding yourself with such people is an opportunity to learn more and become better at what I do. There have been posts where I received some good constructive criticisms that helped me approach things differently.

    Where Do I Go From Here?

    Blogging is a marathon, not a race. I've written 300 posts over 15 years, equating to 15 posts per year. If my writing groove continues on its current trajectory, this will only increase as long as I feel I have quality content to publish.

    I've noticed there are many posts stored within Evernote that don't make the cut - and this is good thing. Not every thought or idea is worth publishing.

    I hope I can continue to output content in the years to come and with any luck, I look forward to writing a post marking the next 300th blog post.

  • Last year, I completed my Hubspot CMS for Marketers Certification because I wanted to see if I could not only pass a Hubspot exam, but also gain a better understanding of the platform from a marketing standpoint.

    As a Hubspot developer, I've discovered that it's all too easy to get caught up in the technical side of things and potentially miss out on all the features Hubspot offers to offer. I found the "Hubspot CMS for Marketers" certification exam to be quite beneficial in helping me see things from a different perspective, therefore I opted to renew it.

    Hubspot CMS for Marketers Certification

    I also completed the "Hubspot CMS for Developers" certification as this is something I missed out on last year. This certification consisted of an exam and a practical piece on the core development criteria of building a theme.

    Hubspot CMS for Developers Certification

    Both these certifications compliment one another and highly recommend taking these both if you're working with the CMS side of Hubspot.

  • NOTE: This post began as a demonstration of how quickly I can create and publish blog entries on the go using Working Copy Git Client on my iPad while in India. I got 90% of the way through this post, but I didn't have time to finish it, utterly defeating the point of the post. Anyway, without further ado…

    I thought this would be the most opportune moment to try out the Working Copy Git Client app on my iPad to see if I’m able to update my blog on the go. I’m also using this time as a small test to myself to see whether I’m able to focus and write on the fly anywhere. The last time I did anything similar was on my return from Bali, where I wrote my experiences offline using Evernote on my phone to then add to my website later.

    This time, I wanted to try something different as I have a few hours to kill. So I'm writing this post sitting in the seating area of Heathrow Airport waiting to board my flight. If everything goes to plan, this very post should auto-publish on commit to my website hosted on Netlify.

    I’m off to India to experience one of the most major milestones in my life - getting married Indian style! I’d like to class this as part deux of “getting married” after performing our English ceremony during the back end of Covid restrictions last year. So this seems a great time to put the Working Copy app and my iPad writing flow to the test, where my beloved Macbook Pro is nowhere in sight to aid the publishing of this post.

    As I write this post, it looks like my core writing eco-system will remain unchanged:

    1. Write up the post in Evernote.
    2. Spelling, phrasing and grammar check using Quillbot (previously Grammarly).
    3. Add post in markdown format to my Gatsby website project.
    4. Commit website updates.

    The true test will come when I write a post that contains more than a handful of images. It's something that doesn't happen very often - only when it comes to holidays. But I can see cropping, compressing and positioning images for a blog post on an iPad a little fiddly, especially on an 10 inch iPad Air.

    So how does Working Copy fair in my very first piece of "on-the-go" writing?

    Initial Setup

    Getting up and running couldn't have been easier. After installation, I logged into my Bitbucket account and cloned my website repo, I was ready to go. For a site housing approximately 294 posts, it has a relatively small footprint (images are included): 54MB. I am so glad I decided to make the switch to GatsbyJS static-site generation and move away from the traditional server-side application connected to a database.

    Everything you'd expect from a git client is present, such as:

    • Clone
    • Pull
    • Push
    • Fetch
    • Merge
    • Branch Creation


    The editor is as I would expect it to be. Simple, clear and concise with basic syntax highlight, which is something that I would expect from an app built for a tablet device. If you think this can be a replacement for your traditional coding IDE, you'd be mistaken. Anyway, why would you want to do full-on coding on a tablet device?

    Working Copy Editor

    I like how easily navigable the interface is. There is little to no learning curve when using it for the first time.

    Native Integration with iOS Files

    Now, this is where I feel I'm familiar territory. Being able to drag and drop files, such as images and text files from iOS’s Files layer into my Git repo - just like if I was working on a laptop. I’ve also seen other users write their posts outside using iA Writer or Pretext editor apps before dropping the text file into their repo.

    Working with Images

    I've never found working with image manipulation on the iPad that easy, hence why I like to use my Macbook Pro for the final finessing of my post before publishing. I have the tools I need to resize and compress images. Most photo app's on the iPad solely pull in images housed in Apple Photos. Even though I have an iPad and Macbook Pro, I don't like being locked into a single eco-system, especially when the majority of apps work well across different platforms.

    Image Size is a free app that allowed me to crop and resize photos stored in iOS Files by simply stating the dimensions I require. Added bonus: The app is free!

    Once the image is resized, I can carry out compression using TinyPNG and lastly simply perform a drag and drop into the Working Copy app.


    I always wanted to have the ability to update my website on the go on a tablet device and Working Copy makes this very easy. When you add the iOS File System and Image Size app, you have everything for your writing needs.

    I never thought that I'd be comfortable publishing posts directly to my website from an iPad. Overall, I found the writing experience to be very efficient as I encountered fewer distractions when compared to working on my Macbook Pro.

    If there was anything I could change, it would be the size of my iPad. I did find Working Copy took a lot of screen real-estate, especially when having multiple windows open. The 12-inch iPad Pro looks very tempting.

    Did I manage to write and submit this post directly from my iPad? Yes.
    Would I do it again? Yes!

  • I'm writing this post simply for the purpose of reminding myself of how I built my first shell script... I'm not sure if admitting this is a positive or negative thing. Writing shell scripts has never truly been a part of my day-to-day work, but understood the core concepts and what they are able to do.

    I decided to write this shell script to perform a rather easy task: cycle through all CSS and JS files in a directory and change a string within each file with the value that was entered into the shell script. The main use of this script, for my use, is to update path references in these files.

    # Script Name: CSS/JS Path Replacer #
    # Description: Iterates through all directories to replace strings found in CSS and JS files. #
    #               Place this bash script in the directory where the files reside. #
    #               For example: /resources. #
    # Take the search string.
    read -p "Enter the search string: " search
    # Take the replace string.
    read -p "Enter the replace string: " replace
    FILES="./**/*.min.css ./**/*.css ./**/*.min.js ./**/*.js"
    for f in $FILES
    	echo "Processing $f file..."
    	sed -i "s/${search//\//\\/}/${replace//\//\\/}/g" $f

    To carry out a replace within each file, I'm using the sed command:

    sed -i "s/old-value/new-value/g" filename.txt

    This command tells sed to find all occurrences of "old-value" and replace with "new-value" in a file called "filename.txt". As the main purpose of the script is to update path references within CSS and JS files, I had to escape forward slashes in the "search" and "replace" variables when parsed to the sed command.

    Bash script in use:

    Enter the search string: /surinder-v1/resources
    Enter the replace string: /surinder-v2/resources
    Processing ./css/site.min.css file...
    Processing ./css/site.css file...
    Processing ./css/site.min.css file...
    Processing ./css/styleguide.css file...
    Processing ./js/global.min.js file...
    Processing ./js/global.min.js file...

    Once the script has processed all the files, any reference to "/surinder-v1/resources" will be replaced with "/surinder-v2/resources".

    Further useful information about using the "sed" command can be found in the following post: How to use sed to find and replace text in files in Linux / Unix shell.

  • One of the first steps in integrating Apple Pay is to check the domain against the Developer Account. For each merchant ID you've registered, you'll need to upload a domain-verification file. This involves placing the verification the following path for your domain:


    As you can see, the "apple-developer-merchantid-domain-association" file does not contain an extension, which will cause issues in IIS permitting access to serve this file. From what I've read online, adding an "application/octet-stream" MIME type to your site should resolve the issue:

    IIS Mime Type - Octet Stream

    In my case, this didn't work. Plus I didn't like the idea of adding a MIME type purely for the purpose of accepting extension-less paths. Instead, I decided to go down the URL Rewriting route, where I would add the "apple-developer-merchantid-domain-association" file with a ".txt" extension to the "/.well-known" directory and then rewrite this path within the applications web.config file.

    		<rule name="Apply Pay" stopProcessing="true">
    		  <match url=".well-known/apple-developer-merchantid-domain-association" />
    		  <action type="Rewrite" url=".well-known/apple-developer-merchantid-domain-association.txt" appendQueryString="false" />

    Through this rewrite rule, the request path is is changed internally and the URL of the request displayed in the address bar (without the extension) stays the same. Now Apple can verify the site.

  • I've owned my UniFi Dream Machine router router for a little over two years, and I'm still getting accustomed to the wide array of configuration options available in the device admin settings. My usual rule of thumb is to only fiddle with the settings if absolutely necessary.

    Today was the day when I needed to change one setting on my router so that my download and upload speeds were not limited. Embarrassingly, I've been criticising Virgin Media, my internet service provider (ISP), for not keeping their half of the bargain in supplying me with appropriate broadband speed as promised, only to discover that it was all along my Dream Machine. Very unexpected.

    In the UniFi Network settings, look out for an option called "Smart Queues" where the download and upload speeds limits can be increased or disabled in its entirety.

    UniFi Smart Queue Setting

    What is "Smart Queues" and why would we need it? "Smart Queues" helps decongest networks with lots of clients and constant load. When enabled it will reduce the maximum throughput in order to minimise latency over the network when the connection is at full capacity. Low latency is important for voice/video calls and fast-paced online multiplayer gaming. The following StackOverflow post adds further clarity on the subject:

    Most routers and modems have a design flaw called "bufferbloat"; when your Internet connection gets fully loaded (congested), they mismanage their queues of packets waiting to be sent, and let the queue grow out of control, which just adds latency with no benefit. SQM is the fix for bufferbloat.

    SQM is only tangentially related to QoS. Traditional QoS schemes prioritize some kinds of traffic over others, so when there is congestion, the lower-priority traffic gets slammed with congestion-related latency, and the high-priority traffic hopefully skates by without problems. In contrast, SQM tries to keep the latency low on all traffic even in the face of congestion, without prioritizing one kind of traffic over another.

    I made a decision to disable "Smart Queues" as there isn't enough network traffic used in my household to warrant any form of QoS consideration. This setting can be found by logging into the router Network section > Settings > Internet > WAN Networks > Advanced.

    Once disabled, the difference in internet speed is like night and day.


    Internet Speed - Before


    Internet Speed - After

  • I've worked on numerous projects that required the user to upload a single or a collection of photos that they could then manipulate in some manner, whether it was adding filtering effects or morphing their face for TV show promotion.

    In any of these projects, the user's uploaded photo must be kept for a specific amount of time - long enough for the user to manipulate their image. The question that had always arisen in terms of GDPR, as well as development perspective, was: How long should the users' uploaded photos be stored?

    Previously, these photos were stored in the cloud in a temporary blob storage container, with an hourly task that removed images older than 6 hours. This also ensured that the storage container remained small in size, lowering usage costs.

    Then one day, it hit me... What if a user's uploaded photos could be stored locally through their own browser before any form of manipulation? Enter local storage...

    What Is Local Storage?

    Local storage allows data to be stored in the browser as key/value pairs. This data does not have a set expiration date and is not cleared when the browser is closed. Only string values can be stored in local storage - this will not be a problem, and we'll see in this post how we'll store a collection of images along with some data for each.

    Example: Storing Collection of Photos

    The premise of this example is to allow the user to upload a collection of photos. On successful upload, their photo will be rendered and will have the ability to remove a photo from the collection. Adding and removing a photo will also cause the browser's localStorage` to be updated.

    Screenshot: Storing Images in Local Storage

    A live demo of this page can be found on my JSFiddle account:



        Example: Storing Images in Local Storage
      <input id="image-upload" type="file" />
      <ul id="image-collection">    


    const fileUploadLimit = 1048576; // 1MB in bytes. Formula: 1MB = 1 * 1024 * 1024.
    const localStorageKey = "images";
    let imageData = [];
    // Render image in HTML by adding to the unordered list.
    function renderImage(imageObj, $imageCollection) {
      if (imageObj.file_base64.length) {
        $imageCollection.append("<li><img src=\"data:image/png;base64," + imageObj.file_base64 + "\"  width=\"200\" /><br />" + + "<br /><a href=\"#\" data-timestamp=\"" + imageObj.timestamp + "\" class=\"btn-delete\">Remove</a></li>")
    // Add image to local storage.
    function addImage(imageObj) {
      localStorage.setItem(localStorageKey, JSON.stringify(imageData));
    // Remove image from local storage by timestamp.
    function removeImage(timestamp) {
      // Remove item by the timestamp.
      imageData = imageData.filter(img => img.timestamp !== timestamp);
      // Update local storage.
      localStorage.setItem(localStorageKey, JSON.stringify(imageData));
    // Read image data stored in local storage.
    function getImages($imageCollection) {
      const localStorageData = localStorage.getItem(localStorageKey);
      if (localStorageData !== null) {
        imageData = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(localStorageKey))
        for (let i = 0; i < imageData.length; i++) {
          renderImage(imageData[i], $imageCollection);
    // Delete button action to fire off deletion.
    function deleteImageAction() {
      $(".btn-delete").on("click", function(e) {
        // Remove the HTML markup for this image.
    // Upload action to fire off file upload automatically.
    function uploadChangeAction($upload, $imageCollection) {
      $upload.on("change", function(e) {
        // Ensure validation message is removed (if one is present).
        const file =[0];
        if (file.size <= fileUploadLimit) {
          const reader = new FileReader();
          reader.onloadend = () => {
            const base64String = reader.result
              .replace('data:', '')
              .replace(/^.+,/, '');
            // Create an object containing image information.
            let imageObj = {
              name: "image-" + ($imageCollection.find("li").length + 1),
              file_base64: base64String.toString()
            // Add To Local storage
            renderImage(imageObj, $imageCollection)
            // Clear upload element.
        } else {
          $upload.after("<p>File too large</p>");
    // Initialise.
    $(document).ready(function() {
      // Set action events.
      uploadChangeAction($("#image-upload"), $("#image-collection"));

    The key functions to look at are:

    • addImage()
    • removeImage()
    • getImages()

    Each of these functions uses JSON methods to store uploaded photos as arrays of objects. Each photo contains: name, timestamp and a base64 string. One common piece of functionality used across these functions is the use of JSON methods to help us store our collection of photos in local storage:

    • JSON.stringify() - to convert an array to a string.
    • JSON.parse() - to convert a JSON string into an object array for manipulation.

    When saving or retrieving your saved value from local storage, a unique identifier through a "key" needs to be set. In my example, I've set the following global variable that is referenced whenever I need to use the "localStorage" methods.

    const localStorageKey = "images";

    When saving to localStorage, we will have to stringify our array of objects:

    localStorage.setItem(localStorageKey, JSON.stringify(imageData));

    Retrieving our array requires us to convert the value from a string back into an object:

    imageData = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(localStorageKey))

    After we've uploaded some images, we can see what's stored by going into your browsers (for Firefox) Web Developer Tools, navigating to the "Storage" tab and selecting your site. If using Chrome, go to the "Applications" tab and click on "Local Storage".

    Browser Developer Tools Displaying localStorage Values

    Storage Limits

    The maximum length of values that can be stored varies depending on the browser. The data size currently ranges between 2MB and 10MB.

    When I decided to use local storage to store user photos, I was concerned about exceeding storage limits, so I set an upload limit of 1MB per photo. When I get the chance to use my code in a real-world scenario, I intend to use Hermite Resize to implement some image compression and resizing techniques.

  • Published on
    3 min read

    C# Variable Type: To 'var', Or Not To 'var'

    This post has been in the works for some time in order to express my annoyance whenever I see every variable in a C# project declared with "var". This is simply laziness... I guess typing three letters is simpler than typing the actual variable type. Even so, I believe that this, among other things, contributes to readability issues.

    I am not completely opposed to its use, as I use it in places where I deem it acceptable and has no effect on readability. My biggest gripe is when an entire project is littered solely with this form of variable declaration. Whenever I come across a project like this, I have to run a Visual Studio tool that automatically changes variables to use an explicit type instead.

    Some may argue that readability is unaffected because you can obtain type information simply by hovering over any variable in Visual Studio. A perfectly valid point. However, things become more obfuscated when quickly glancing at some code via Notepad,, or during code reviews.

    From what I've seen on forums, there are various points of view, some of which I agree with and wanted to share my thoughts.

    Opinion 1: Saves Time Through Less Keystrokes

    List<ContactInfoProvider> contacts = new List<ContactInfoProvider>();
    // vs.
    var contacts = new List<ContactInfoProvider>();

    This assumes a developer is using an IDE with no intellisense capability. This shouldn't be a problem since intellisense will quickly resolve the class and types in use. According to some developers I work with, declaring long type names is messy and adds unnecessary extra noise.

    I don't mind this approach since the type in use is evident.

    Opinion 2: Readability Is Not An Issue

    To expand upon the point I made in my intro about code being obfuscated, lets take the following snippet of code:

    var contactInfo = ContactInfoProvider.GetContactInfo(token);

    I'm unable to see what type is being returned immediately unless I delve into the ContactInfoProvider class and view the method. "var" should never be used where the type is not known because it reduces recognition readability in code.

    Opinion 3: Use "var" On Basic Variable Types

    var maxRecords = 100;
    var price = 1.1;
    var successMessage = "Surinder thinks this is wrong!";
    var isSuccess = false;
    // vs.
    int maxRecords = 100;
    decimal price = 1.1;
    string successMessage = "Surinder thinks this is correct!";
    bool isSuccess = true;

    I did state earlier the use of "var" is acceptable where the type used is clearly visible. Basic variable types is an exception to the rule as it's completely unnecessary.

    Opinion 4: Encourages Descriptive Variable Names

    var productItem = new ProductInfo()
    // vs.
    ProductInfo pi = new ProductInfo()

    This is where I disagree. Descriptive variable names should always be used, regardless of whether the variable is declared explicitly or implicitly. In my time as a developer, I've seen some dreadful variable names in both instances.


    There is no right or wrong way to use "var," and it is entirely up to personal preference. I only use "var" when I'm writing quick test code, playing with LINQ, or when I'm not sure what the outcome of a method is when dealing with external API libraries.

    Even though I relish learning new code notations and refactoring, I will continue to use "var" very sparingly (if at all!) in my own code. But the overall use of it just doesn't sit right with me. Strict typing ensures the most clearest approach, so a developer knows exactly what is going to happen once it is typed.

    We should always aim to make our code as clear as possible. It's difficult enough to understand explicitly set variables that aren't self-descriptive without having to add "var" to the mix.

    Forrest Gump - Thats All I Have To Say About That
  • At the start of 2021, I started looking into making my money work a little harder. This was primarily by having a better saving strategy in place as well as entering the world of investments.

    Plum - Basic Route To Entry

    Plum was my first foray into having something out of a banking environment to manage my money. Plum is a savings app that connects to your bank account and cards to analyse your spending to get an idea of how much money it can transfer from your account into its "saving pockets". The amount of money transferred can be configured to adjust how much money you want Plum to transfer. There are multiple options available within the app.

    Once the money is transferred, you can either leave it within Plum as a separate pot of money to keep aside for a rainy day or go a step further and invest in funds. It was through this app that I got my first exposure to investing in stocks and giving it more of a serious thought after previously being quite reticent.

    As great as the wide variety of fund portfolios offered by Plum are, I found them a little restrictive and wanted to venture into making my own decisions. I invested in two funds:

    1. Tech Giants: Investing in technology shares like Facebook, Apple and Google.
    2. Balanced Bundle: With 60% shares 40% bonds, this fund offers a balanced combination of shares and bonds.

    I ended up making quite a nice return from those funds alone, but I felt I wanted more control. For example, the Tech Giants portfolio had a relatively small percentage of equity in FAANG companies.

    Freetrade - More Control

    I haven't entirely replaced Plum for Freetrade as I believe it still has its uses. Even though I withdrew all money from investment funds to re-invest into my stocks in Freetrade, I still use Plum to sneakily put money aside automatically based on my preferences.

    Freetrade wasn't my first option for carrying out investments - it was Trading 212. Unfortunately, Trading 212 are not accepting any further sign up's "due to unprecedented demand" and have been on their waiting list for over a year. Trading 212 seemed to have a greater variety of shares and a range of investment types, including CFDs, gold and crypto.

    I can't grumble with Freetrade as it has allowed me to invest in the majority of the areas I require, which is good for someone who is finding their feet in the investment game. Transferring funds is seamless.

    Investment Strategy

    My portfolio consists of S&P 500 and individual stocks in FAANG (and a few other) companies, where my monthly investment ratio is an 80/20 split:

    • S&P 500 - 80%
    • FAANG - 20% spread over multiple stocks

    I plan on revising this ratio to a 70/30 split later in the year once all wedding expenses are done and can afford to gamble a bit more. As you can see, I am focusing on S&P 500 for the moment as I feel it's safer and overall less volatile.

    For anyone new to investing, S&P 500 Index Fund is the safest place to start as you're investing in the top 500 large publicly-traded domestic US companies and is considered to be the best overall measurement of US stock market performance. The main benefit is that a decline in some sectors might be offset by gains in others.


    1. Vanguard S&P 500 (VAUG)
    2. Microsoft (MSFT)
    3. Amazon (AMZN)
    4. Dell (DELL)
    5. Apple (AAPL)
    6. Google (GOOGL)
    7. AMC Entertainment (AMC)

    I see investing in S&P 500 Index Fund as putting things in place for long-term wealth and not short-term wins... Short-term wins I'm hoping to achieve through specific stock investments. AMC was a little bit of a wildcard investment as the stocks were so cheap and I just kept buying through the dip. It is only now I managed to receive a 56% return.


    I've come late into the stock game as I know of people who have made quite a good return from the stock options made during Covid... Who would have thought Covid would be an opportunity where more money could be made???

    Based on my current strategy, I know full well that I won't be getting a high return to supplement my current income and that's just down to playing it safe. I'm still kicking myself on why I didn't start sooner - even if it was just solely investing in an S&P 500. On average the yearly return is around 10% and pretty consistent.

    If I had been quicker off the mark and invested £200 a month over the last 10 years, this would equate to £41500 with £17300 of interest. Probably best not to focus on time lost and just focus on this point forward.

    My goal is by end of the year is to increase my portfolio and if I'm able to get some form of short-term reward, that's a bonus! I plan on writing a follow-up post by end of the year to report what worked and what didn't.

    Disclaimer: I am not in any way a financial advisor and this post is just a write up of my thoughts.