
Tagged by 'website update'

  • If you haven't noticed (and I hope you have), back in June I finally released an update to my website to look more pleasing to the eye. This has been a long time coming after being on the back-burner for a few years.

    Embarrassingly, I’ve always stated in my many year in reviews that I planned on redeveloping this site over the next coming year, but never came to fruition. This is partly down to time and deciding to make content a priority. If I’m honest, it’s mostly down to lacking the skills and patience in carrying out the front-end development work.

    Thankfully, I managed to knuckle down and decided to become acquainted and learnt enough about HTML and CSS to get the site where it currently stands, with the help of Tailwind CSS and an open-source base template to act as a good starting point for a novice front-end developer.

    Tailwind CSS

    Very early on, I knew the only hope I had to give this site a new look was to use a front-end framework like Tailwind CSS, requiring a minimal learning curve to produce quick results. It’s definitely not a front-end framework to be sniffed at as more than 260000 developers have used it for their design system. So it’s a framework that is here to stay - a worthwhile investment to learn.

    Tailwind CSS is predominantly a CSS framework consisting of predefined classes to build websites directly within the markup without having to write a single line of custom CSS.

    As you’re styling directly within the markup, at first glance it can be overwhelming, especially where multiple classes need to be declared on a single HTML block. A vast difference when compared to the cleanliness of builds carried out by the very skilful team from where I work.

    It’s a small trade-off in an otherwise solid framework that gives substantial benefits in productivity. Primarily because Tailwind CSS classes aren’t very specific and gives a high level of customisability without you having to concoct CSS styles.

    Even though there are many utility classes to get acquainted with, once you have an understanding of the core concepts, front-end builds become less of an uphill battle. Through rebuilding my site, I managed to quite quickly get familiarity with creating different layouts based on viewport size and modifying margins and padding.

    I found it to be a very modular and component-driven framework, helping avoid repetition. There are UI kits on the market that give good examples of the power of Tailwind CSS that you can use to help speed up development:

    Using Tailwind CSS took away my fear of front-end development without having to think about Bootstrap, BEM, SASS mix-ins, custom utility classes, purge processing, etc.

    Base Template

    I gave myself a 3-week target (not full-time) to get the new site released and this couldn't have been done without getting a head start from a base theme. I found an open-source template built by Timothy Lin on Tailwind Awesome website that suited my key requirements:

    • Clean
    • Simple
    • Elegant
    • Maintainable
    • Easily customisable

    Another developer by the name of Leo, developed another variation of this already great template where I felt it met my requirements down to a tee.

    Even though the template code-base used was developed in Next.js, this did not matter as I could easily migrate the Tailwind markup into my Gatsby JS project. Getting Tailwind set up initially for Gatsby took a little tinkering to get right and to ensure the generated CSS footprint was kept relatively small.

    As you can see from the new site build, I was able to make further modifications to suit my requirements. This in itself is a testament to the original template build quality and the power of Tailwind CSS.


    As well as changing the look of my site, I thought it would be an opportune time to make a few other small enhancements.

    Google Ads

    Removing Google Ads had been on the forefront of my mind ever since I moved over to Netlify to host my website. Previously, it was a way to contribute to the yearly hosting cost. Now, this is no longer of any relevance (as I'm on the free Netlify free hosting plan), especially when weighing the importance of a meagre monetary return over improving the overall website look and load times of the site.

    In its place, I have a Buy Me A Coffee profile for those who would like to support the content I write.

    Updated Version of Gatsby JS

    It seemed natural to upgrade the version of Gatsby JS from version 2 to 4 during the reworking of my site to keep up-to-date with the latest changes and remove any deprecated code.

    Upgrading from version 2 to 4 took a little longer than I'd hoped as other elements required updating such as Node and NPM packages. This resulted in a lot of breaking changes within my code-base that I had to rectify.

    The process was arduous but worth doing as I found site builds in Netlify reduced significantly.

    Gatsby Build Caching

    I briefly spoke about improved Netlify build times (above) due to efficiencies in code changes relating to upgrading to Gatsby 4. There is one more quiver to my bow to aid further build efficiencies and that is by installing the netlify-plugin-gatsby-cache plugin within Netlify - one-click install.

    I highly recommend everyone who has a Gatsby site install this plugin as it instantly reduces build times. For a website like my own that houses over 300 posts the build minutes do start to add up.

    Features Yet To Be Implemented

    Even though the new version of my site is live, there are features I still plan on implementing.

    Algolia Site Search

    As part of getting a new version of my site released in such a short period, I had to focus on the core areas and everything else was secondary. One of the features that didn’t make the cut was the site search using Algolia.

    I do plan on reinstating the site search feature at some point as I found it helpful for me to search through my older posts and surprisingly (based on the stats) visitors to the site also made use of it.

    Short-Form Content

    I like the idea of posting smaller pieces of content that doesn't have to result in very lengthy written blog posts. Not sure what I will call this new section. There are only two names that come to mind: "Short-form" or "Bytesize". It could consist of the following types of content:

    • Small, concise code snippets.
    • Links to content I found useful online that could be useful in certain technical use-cases.
    • Book recommendations.
    • Quotes.
    • Thoughts on news articles - John Gruber style!

    At one point, I wrote blog posts I categorised as Quick Tips, till this date consists of a mere four blog posts that I never added to. I think the naming of this category wasn't quite right.

    I see this section functioning in a similar fashion to Marco Heine's Today I Learned.

    My Bookmarks

    I like the idea of having single page with a bunch of links to useful sites I keep going back to. It could be sites that you have never come across before, making all the more reason to share these links.

    Closing Thoughts

    I normally find a full-site rebuild quite trying at times. This time was different and there were two reasons for this.

    Firstly, I've already built the site in Gatsby JS and involved minimal code changes, even when taking into consideration the changes needed to update to version 4. Secondly, using Tailwind CSS as a front-end framework was a very rewarding experience especially when page builds come to fruition in such a quick turnaround.

    I hope you find the new design is more aesthetically pleasing and makes reading through blog posts a more enjoyable experience.

  • If you’re seeing this post, then this means I have fully made the transition to a static-generated website architecture using GatsbyJS. I started this process late December last year but then started taking it seriously into the new year. It’s been a learning process getting to grips with a new framework as well as a big jump for me and my site.

    Why has it been a big jump?

    Everything is static. I have downsized my website footprint exponentially. All 250+ blog posts have been migrated into markdown files, so from now on, I will be writing in markdown and (with the help of Netlify) pushing new content by a simple git commit. Until now, I have always had a website that used server-side frameworks that stored all my posts in a database. It’s quite scary moving to a framework that feels quite unnatural to how I would normally build sites and the word “static” when used in relation to a website reminds me of a bygone era.

    Process of Moving To Netlify

    I was pleasantly surprised by how easy the transition to Netlify was. There is a vast amount of resources available that makes for good reading before making the switch to live. After linking my website Bitbucket repository to a site, the only things left to do to make it live were the following:

    • Upload a _redirects file, listing out any redirects you require Netlify to handle. For GatsbyJS sites, this will need to be added to the /static directory.
    • Setup Environment variables to allow the application to easily switch between development and production states. For example, my robots.txt is set to be indexable when only in production mode.
    • Add CNAME records to your existing domain that point to your Netlify domain. For example,
    • Issue a free Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate, which is easily done within the account Domain settings.

    Post live, the only thing that stumped me was the Netlify domain didn’t automatically redirect to my custom domain. This is something I thought Netlify would automatically handle once the domain records were updated. To get around this, an explicit domain 301 redirect needs to be added to your _redirects file.

    # Domain Redirect*    301!

    New Publishing Process

    Before making the switchover, I had to carry out some practice runs on how I would be updating my website just to be sure I could live with the new way of adding content. The process is now the following:

    1. Use “content/posts” branch to add a new blog post.
    2. Create a new .md file that consists of the date and slug. In my case, all my markdown files are named "".
    3. Ensure all categories and tags in the markdown frontmatter is named correctly. This is an important step to ensure no unnecessary new categories or tags are created.
    4. Add any images used in the post to the site. The images should reference
    5. Check over the post locally.
    6. Push to master branch and let Netlify carry out the rest.

    Out of all the steps, I have only found steps 3 and 4 to require a little effort when compared to using a CMS platform, as previously, I could select from a predefined list of categories and upload images directly. Not a deal-breaker.

    Next Steps

    I had a tight deadline to ensure I made the move to Netlify before my current hosting renews for another year and still have quite a bit of improvement to make. Have you seen my Google Lighthouse score!?! It’s shockingly bad due to using the same HTML markup and CSS from my old site. I focused my efforts cramming in all the functionality to mimic how my site used to work and efficiencies in keeping build times to Netlify low.

    First thing on the list - rebuild website templates from the ground up.

  • This site has been longing for an overhaul, both visually and especially behind the scenes. As you most likely have noticed, nothing has changed visually at this point in time - still using the home-cooked "Surinder theme". This should suffice in the meantime as it currently meets my basic requirements:

    • Bootstrapped to look good on various devices
    • Simple
    • Function over form - prioritises content first over "snazzy" design

    However, behind the scenes is a different story altogether and this is where I believe matters most. Afterall, half of web users expect a site to load in 2 seconds or less and they tend to abandon a site that isn’t loaded within 3 seconds. Damning statistics!

    The last time I overhauled the site was back in 2014 where I took a more substantial step form to current standards. What has changed since then? I have upgraded to Kentico 10, but this time using ASP.NET Web Forms over MVC.

    Using ASP.NET Web Form approach over MVC was very difficult decision for me. Felt like I was taking a backwards step in making my site better. I'm the kind of developer who gets a kick out of nice clean code output. MVC fulfils this requirement. Unfortunately, new development approach for building MVC sites from Kentico 9 onwards will not work under a free license.

    The need to use Kentico as a platform was too great, even after toying with the idea of moving to a different platform altogether. I love having the flexibility to customise my website to my hearts content. So I had to the option to either refit my site in Kentico 10 or Kentico Cloud. In the end, I chose Kentico 10. I will be writing in another post why I didn't opt for the latter. I'm still a major advocate of Kentico Cloud and started using it on other projects.

    The developers at Kentico weren't lying when they said that Kentico 10 is "better, stronger, faster". It really is! I no longer get the spinning loader for obscene duration of time whilst opening popups in the administration interface or lengthy startup times when the application has to restart.

    Upgrading from Kentico 8.0 to 10 alone was a great start. I have taken some additional steps to keep my site clean as possible:

    1. Disable view state on all pages, components and user controls.
    2. Caching static files, such as CSS, JS and images. You can see how I do this at web.config level from this post.
    3. Maximising Kentico's cache dependencies to cache all data.
    4. Took the extra step to export all site contents into a fresh installation of Kentico 10, resulting in a slightly smaller web project and database size.
    5. Restructured pages in the content tree to be more efficient when storing large number of pages under one section.

    I basically carried out the recommendations on optimising website performance and then some! My cache statatics have never been so high!

    My Kentico 10 Cache Statistics

    One slight improvement (been a long time coming) is better open graph support when sharing pages on Facebook and Twitter. Now my links look pretty within a tweet.

  • Welcome to my new and improved website built in Kentico 8 and MVC Razor 5.

    My old site was crying for an upgrade and now seemed like a good opportunity to make quite a few modifications, such as:

    • Upgrading to Kentico 8
    • Ditch ASP.NET Web Forms for MVC Razor 5
    • Refresh the front-end (designed by yours truly!) ;-)
    • Responsive support using Bootstrap
    • Refactored all code to improve website performance and caching

    The new build has been a bit of a pet project and allowed me to put into practice everything I've learnt from over the years since my last build.

    Still work in progress and more refinements are in the pipeline.

  • Kentico LogoFor many years, I've been a happy BlogEngine user. However, recently my website was starting to expand in a way that wasn't flexible enough for the BlogEngine platform. Don't get me wrong, BlogEngine is a great blogging platform and it is without a doubt one of the best out on the market. But the capabilities and features Kentico provides made moving over to another platform an easy decision.

    The future of my site needed something that would give me free reign and control on making full customisations myself in a solid framework, and Kentico seemed to fit this requirement.

    Having worked with the Kentico platform for quite a few years now, I was impressed by how easy or complex I could make a site. Most importantly, the page perfomance of my site has got quite a boost. For a site that doesn't look like is doing much at face value, it is behind the scenes.

    What was the migration process like?

    Migrating all my BlogEngine content into Kentico did take some time, but the Kentico Import tool really does take the hassle out of getting key blog post information into the CMS. Just don't be expect tags and categories to be imported in the process. Migrating these facets is a manual job.

    In addition, I decided to overhaul the friendly URL's used for my blog posts in keeping with the URL structure provided by BlogEngine. Even to this day, I'm not sold on the way Kentico generates it's friendly URL's for blog posts. For example:


    When it should be the following format:


    Luckily, it was pretty easy to write a Custom Eventhandler to add additional custom URL paths whenever I update or insert a new post (will add a post in the near future on how to do this).

    I still have some additional features to add to this site (and dare I say fixes!) so watch this space...