
Tagged by 'mvc'

  • ReactJSI've been meddling around with ReactJS over the last week or so, seeing if this is something viable to use for future client projects. I am always constantly on the lookout to whether there are better alternatives on how my fellow developers and I develop our sites.

    Throughout the sample applications I've been building, I constantly asked myself one question: Why Would I Use ReactJS In My Day To Day Development? I am ASP.NET developer who build websites either using Web Forms or MVC Razor. So I am finding it difficult to comprehend whether using ReactJS is viable in these frameworks, especially MVC.

    ReactJS is primarily a view framework where you have the ability to write component-based web applications directly into your JavaScript that then gets output to the DOM virtually - making for a very fast and responsive webpage. It's a different approach to developing websites that I quite like. But for the moment, I just don't see how it can benefit me when the full MVC framework does a pretty good job with all the bells and whistles.

    For example, I segregate all my key HTML markup into partial views in order to increase re-use throughout my web application, which works really well when making AJAX calls where the markup needs to be displayed on the page asynchronously as well as server-side. I can just see by implementing ReactJS, I will be duplicating this process at JavaScript and CSHTML level if a markup change ever needed to be made. If partial views does the job effectively, I'm not too sure the need for ReactJS in my future ASP.NET MVC creations.

    Don't get me wrong - I really like ReactJS. It makes writing JavaScript an even more enjoyable experience purely due to the JSX syntax. Long gone are the days where you have to concatenate strings to form HTML. More importantly, it's readable and truly scalable.

    Unfortunately, it doesn't look like ReactJS is a viable option for me at this moment in time. I can see how it would be a very useful framework for building web applications where there is a requirement for the view to be created strictly client-side along with heavy use of AJAX calls from an API layer to serve data to your application. But in situations where you have two frameworks that provide the ability to create views, in this case ReactJS and ASP.NET MVC, it doesn't make sense.

    I could be talking absolute nonsense and missing the whole point. If this is the case (most likely!), please leave a comment.

  • A while ago, I wrote a post that showed how you would Render a Partial View As A String. But what if you had a Partial View and wanted to output its action to a string?

    Just like the majority of all other coding problems I encounter, StackOverflow always has the answer. In this case, a clever guy posted this piece of code:

    var sw = new StringWriter();
    PartialViewResult result = Email("Subject", "Body");
    result.View = ViewEngines.Engines.FindPartialView(ControllerContext, "Email").View;
    ViewContext vc = new ViewContext(ControllerContext, result.View, result.ViewData, result.TempData, sw);
    result.View.Render(vc, sw);
    var html = sw.GetStringBuilder().ToString();

    Works well enough. However, I didn't like the thought of having to add all this code inside my controller, especially when I have to output many Partial View actions to a string. So I created an extension method:

    /// <summary>
    /// Renders a Partial View Action to string.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="controller">Controller to extend</param>
    /// <param name="partialView">PartialView to render</param>
    /// <param name="partialViewName">Name of Partial View</param>
    /// <returns>Renders Partial View as a string</returns>
    public static string RenderActionToString(this Controller controller, PartialViewResult partialView, string partialViewName)
        using (var sw = new StringWriter())
            partialView.View = ViewEngines.Engines.FindPartialView(controller.ControllerContext, partialViewName).View;
            ViewContext vc = new ViewContext(controller.ControllerContext, partialView.View, partialView.ViewData,
                partialView.TempData, sw);
            partialView.View.Render(vc, sw);
            return sw.GetStringBuilder().ToString();

    This extension method can be used in the following way:

    //Access PollController class.
    PollController pc = new PollController();
    //Get the LatestPoll PartialView action and output to string.
    string myPartialView = this.RenderActionToString(pc.LatestPoll(), "../Poll/_LatestPoll");

    Much cleaner!

  • Changing the contents of a robots.txt file when a site is moved from staging to a live environment is quite a manual and somewhat cumbersome process. I sometimes have the fear of forgetting to replace the "Disallow: /" line with correct indexable entries required for the website.

    To give me one less thing to remember during my pre-live deployments, all my current and upcoming ASP.NET MVC sites will use a dynamic robots.txt file containing different entries depending on whether a site is in stage or live. In order to do this, we need to let the ASP.NET MVC application serve up the robots.txt file. This can be done by the following:

    • Create a new controller called "SEOController"
    • Add a new FileContentResult action called "Robots".
    • Add a new route.
    • Modify web.config.


    I have created a new controller that renders our "Robots" action as a plain text file. As you can see, my controller is not a type of "ActionResult" but a "FileContentResult". The great thing about "FileContentResult" is that it allows us to return bytes from the controller.

    In this example, I am converting bytes from a string using Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes() method. Ideal for what we need to generate a robots.txt file.

    public FileContentResult Robots()
        StringBuilder robotsEntries = new StringBuilder();
        robotsEntries.AppendLine("User-agent: *");
        //If the website is in debug mode, then set the robots.txt file to not index the site.
        if (System.Web.HttpContext.Current.IsDebuggingEnabled)
            robotsEntries.AppendLine("Disallow: /");
            robotsEntries.AppendLine("Disallow: /Error");
            robotsEntries.AppendLine("Disallow: /resources");
        return File(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(robotsEntries.ToString()), "text/plain");


    Since I add my routing at controller level, I add the "MapMvcAttributeRoutes" method to the RouteConfig.cs file. But if you prefer to add your routes directly here, then this method can be removed.

    public class RouteConfig
        public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
            routes.MapMvcAttributeRoutes(); //Add this line!
                name: "Default",
                url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
                defaults: new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }


    Add a "runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests" attribute to the modules tag in the web.config file to allow our robot.txt text file to be rendered by ASP.NET.

      <modules runallmanagedmodulesforallrequests="true"></modules>
  • One of the many nice things of using ASP.NET MVC Razor is that you have full control over how you segregate your HTML markup when building a page through rendering PartialViews. Since becoming an avid MVC developer, I am increasingly noticing how easy it is to make nice neat reusable code, whether it is used server or client-side.

    Just today, I found something really useful that is a truly defines this, where markup within PartialViews can be output to a page as string:

    /// <summary>
    /// Controller extension class that adds controller methods
    /// to render a partial view and return the result as string.
    /// Based on
    /// </summary>
    public static class ControllerExtension
      /// <summary>
      /// Renders a (partial) view to string.
      /// </summary>
      /// <param name="controller">Controller to extend</param>
      /// <param name="viewName">(Partial) view to render</param>
      /// <returns>Rendered (partial) view as string</returns>
      public static string RenderPartialViewToString(this Controller controller, string viewName)
        return controller.RenderPartialViewToString(viewName, null);
      /// <summary>
      /// Renders a (partial) view to string.
      /// </summary>
      /// <param name="controller">Controller to extend</param>
      /// <param name="viewName">(Partial) view to render</param>
      /// <param name="model">Model</param>
      /// <returns>Rendered (partial) view as string</returns>
      public static string RenderPartialViewToString(this Controller controller, string viewName, object model)
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(viewName))
          viewName = controller.ControllerContext.RouteData.GetRequiredString("action");
          controller.ViewData.Model = model;
          using (var sw = new StringWriter())
            var viewResult = ViewEngines.Engines.FindPartialView(controller.ControllerContext, viewName);
            var viewContext = new ViewContext(controller.ControllerContext, viewResult.View, controller.ViewData, controller.TempData, sw);
            viewResult.View.Render(viewContext, sw);
            return sw.GetStringBuilder().ToString();

    I can't take credit for this code. But here is the guy who can: Jan Jonas.

    Being able to output PartialViews as a string is actually quite handy, since you could have a paginated news listings page that displays the first page of articles server-side and any additional pages could be loaded in via jQuery Ajax. Each article item would be a PartialView so you could serve the same markup client-side. My code below probably explains things a little better:

    Article Listing View

    This page will list all my News Articles. As you can see, I am using an "ArticleListItem" as my PartialView.

    @model List<Article>
    @if (Model.Any())
        <div class="article-list">
        @foreach (var a in Model.Select((value, index) => new { value, index }))
            Html.RenderPartial("/Views/Article/_ArticleListItem.cshtml", new ArticleListItemView { Article = a.value, CssClass = ArticleHtmlHelper.GetItemCssClass((a.index + 1)), IsFullWidth = false});
            No articles could be returned.

    Article List Item PartialView

    My PartialView has quite a bit going on to determine how the markup should be rendered and it's definitely something I wouldn't want to have to duplicate elsewhere just to load in client-side. Nice!

    @model Site.Web.Models.Views.ArticleListItemView
        string fullWidthClass = String.Empty;
        if (Model.IsFullWidth)
            fullWidthClass = "full-width";
    <div class="article-summary @Model.CssClass @fullWidthClass">
        <a href="@Model.Article.PageUrl" class="img">
            @if (Model.CssClass == "large")
            <img src="@Model.Article.Images.ImageCollection[1].Url" />
            <img src="@Model.Article.Images.ImageCollection[0].Url" />
        @if (Model.Article.Category != null)
        <span class="cat">@Model.Article.Category.Name</span>
        @if (Model.Article.ReadTime != null)
        <span class="time">@String.Format("{0} read", Model.Article.ReadTime)</span>
        <h2 class="@Model.CssClass"><a href="@Model.Article.PageUrl">@Model.Article.Title</a></h2>
        @if (Model.Article.Author != null)
        <a href="@Model.Article.Author.PageUrl.Url" class="author">
            <img src="@Model.Article.Author.Images.ImageCollection[0].Url" />
            <span>@String.Concat(Model.Article.Author.FirstName, " ", Model.Article.Author.LastName)</span>

    GetArticleItems() Controller

    This is where the RenderPartialViewToString() method shines! This controller is called within my jQuery Ajax function to get the next page of news articles. I am then calling my "ArticleListItem" PartialView to return the HTML markup as a string through my client-side call.

    public JsonResult GetArticleItems(DBContext ctx, int pageNo, int pageSize, string categoryId)
        ApiDocumentInfo docInfo = DocumentHelper.SearchDocuments(ctx, true, "article", "category", categoryId, pageSize, pageNo, "articles", "date desc");
        List<Article> articles = docInfo.Documents.Select(doc => doc.ToArticle(ctx)).ToList();
        StringBuilder articleHtml = new StringBuilder();
        if (articles.Any())
            for (int a = 0; a < articles.Count; a++)
                articleHtml.Append(this.RenderPartialViewToString("_ArticleListItem", new ArticleListItemView { Article = articles[a], CssClass = ArticleHtmlHelper.GetItemCssClass((a + 1)), IsFullWidth = false } ));
        return Json(articleHtml.ToString());
  • Published on
    1 min read

    XML Parsing Error In A MVC Razor View

    If you set a Controller's response type to "text/xml", you may encounter an: "XML Parsing Error: XML or text declaration not at start of entity". Your View may look something like this:

        Layout = null;
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <urlset xmlns="">
        @if (Model.Any())
            foreach (SitemapNode node in Model)

    In this case, I was creating a sitemap for one of my websites. So I created a Controller and View as I normally would do. However, when generating an XML output, you'll have to do something a little different in MVC:

        Layout = null;
    }<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <urlset xmlns="">
        @if (Model.Any())
            foreach (SitemapNode node in Model)

    Can you see what is the difference? You'd be forgiven for not seeing it. But if you look a little closer, you'll see that I pushed up my XML declaration right up next to where I set the Layout block. This is because Razor outputs extra lines within its markup.

    So when I left an empty line after my Layout block (as seen my my first code example), this gets rendered as an empty line when you run the page which would not be valid XML.

    Update - 28/08/2014

    Just found an even better way to get around the same issue from reading Joe Raczkowski blog. All that needs to be done is place the main XML declaration at the top of the page inside the @{} braces:

    Layout = null;
    Response.ContentType = "text/xml";
    Response.Write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>");
  • Welcome to my new and improved website built in Kentico 8 and MVC Razor 5.

    My old site was crying for an upgrade and now seemed like a good opportunity to make quite a few modifications, such as:

    • Upgrading to Kentico 8
    • Ditch ASP.NET Web Forms for MVC Razor 5
    • Refresh the front-end (designed by yours truly!) ;-)
    • Responsive support using Bootstrap
    • Refactored all code to improve website performance and caching

    The new build has been a bit of a pet project and allowed me to put into practice everything I've learnt from over the years since my last build.

    Still work in progress and more refinements are in the pipeline.

  • I've been toying around with MVC for quite some time now. Initially, I couldn't imagine breaking away from the safety-net that is ASP.NET Web Forms. What many developers are not aware of when moving over to the ASP.NET MVC framework is that you have to write everything from scratch. You will not have the comfort of dragging and dropping event driven controls in a GUI-centric way.

    But nowadays, I am itching to build new sites in MVC. I like to be in control of the whole page lifecycle and the mark-up that is generated.

    Since there are no pre-built resusable controls, I decided start developing my own library of extensions that I could use in future MVC projects I work on. Ranging from pagination to tag clouds.

    Creating custom extensions is really easy. I started off by creating a Category Navigation that returns a IHtmlString (HTML-encoded string that should not be encoded again).

    public static IHtmlString CategoryNavigation(this WebViewPage wvp)
        StringBuilder navBuilder = new StringBuilder();
        List<CustomCategory> categories = CustomCategoryLogic.GetCategories();
        if (categories.Count > 0)
            navBuilder.Append("<ul class=\"nav\">");
            navBuilder.Append("<li><a href=\"/\">Home</a></li>");
            foreach (CustomCategory cc in categories)
                navBuilder.AppendFormat("<li><a href=\"/{0}\">{1}</a></li>", cc.Slug, cc.Name);
        return MvcHtmlString.Create(navBuilder.ToString());

    To display my category navigation in one of my Views, I just need to write:


    How easy is that!?

  • As of late, I've been attempting to expand my .NET web application development skills by learning MVC and now have the understanding on how it all works. By Jove, I think I’ve got it!

    After building a few small custom websites, I decided to utilise what I've learnt and start building a Kentico site in MVC. Ever since Kentico supported MVC Razor, I've been itching to try it out.

    The main drive to build a Kentico site in MVC for me has been the ability to easily build a complex site by separating an application into the model, the view, and the controller to give me a lot more control over how I want the application to be built. But the best part has to be the clean unadulterated HTML mark up that rendered on the page!

    I think the mark of a good web developer is based on not only how clean their HTML markup is but also (more importantly) their programming skills. But when visiting sites, we only get exposure to the HTML markup. Unfortunately, there's only so far you can go in cleaning the markup when building a site using Web Forms. Even with View state completely disabled and selectively using .NET controls the output can still be quite mucky.

    As a web developer, whenever I visit a site that interests me from a technical level, I often look at the HTML mark up just to see how clean it is. I'm always intrigued to see if a site that looks and functions great is built just as well as it looks.

    But I digress...

    Kentico's support for MVC is definitely impressive. I felt quite at home when moving from a custom MVC web build to a Kentico build. Of course, there are some differences in terms of where your Models, Views and Controllers reside within the file structure of your website.

    If you plan on building a Kentico site using MVC, take a look at this post by Martin Hejtmanek who gives a basic overview on the steps required to get you up and running.

    From what I have built so far, I haven't noticed any limitations in the MVC framework. Just workarounds are required for some features (which I'll detail in future blog posts).

    Question Raised...

    As much as I like having the option of building an MVC site in Kentico, I ask myself the question: In reality, how many sites I build will actually be in MVC?

    The reason why I ask this is because Kentico provides many useful ready to use features out-the-box, a website could be built in half the time of an MVC build. Just think of the number of web parts Kentico has freely available to use!

    You couldn't justify to a paying client the additional time and cost will create a more scalable website that produces cleaner HTML markup. For smaller websites, an MVC site in Kentico could potentially be viable and any custom controls you do make (such as pagination and login controls) could be rolled out across future sites.

    Nevertheless, I'm hoping to do more MVC in Kentico moving forward.