
Categorised by 'CMS'.

  • I've been working with custom functionality for registering and authenticating external site users in Umbraco 13 using its Members feature.

    A custom Member Type was created so I could create field properties to specifically store all member registeration data. This consisted of Textboxes, Textareas and Dropdown fields.

    Getting values for fields in code is very straight-forward, but I encountered issues in when dealing with fields that consist of preset values, such as a Dropdown list of titles (Mr/Mrs/Ms/etc).

    Based on the Umbraco documentation for working with a Dropdown field, I should be able to get the selected value through this one line of code:

    @if (Model.HasValue("title"))

    When working with custom properties from a Member Type, the approach seems to be different. A GetValue() is the only accessor we have available to us to output a value - something we are already accustomed to working in Umbraco.

    IMember? member = memberService.GetByEmail("");
    string title = member.Properties["title"].GetValue()?.ToString(); // Output: "[\"Mr\"]"

    However, the value is returned as a serialized array. This is also the case when using the typed GetValue() accessor on the property:

    IMember? member = memberService.GetByEmail("");
    string title = member.GetValue<string>("title"); // Output: "[\"Mr\"]"

    Umbraco 13 - Dropdown Value From Custom Member Type Property

    The only way to get around this was to create a custom extension method to deserialize the string array so the value alone could be output:

    public static class MemberPropertyExtensions
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the selected value of a Dropdown property.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="property"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string? GetSelectedDropdownValue(this IProperty property)
            if (property == null)
                return string.Empty;
            string? value = property?.GetValue()?.ToString();
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
                return string.Empty;
            string[]? propertyArray = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<string[]>(value);
            return propertyArray?.FirstOrDefault();

    It's a simple but effective solution. Now our original code can be updated by adding our newly created GetSelectedDropdownValue() method to the property:

    IMember? member = memberService.GetByEmail("");
    string title = member.Properties["title"].GetSelectedDropdownValue();

    Useful Information

  • Cookiebot was added to a Kentico 13 site a few weeks ago resulting in unexpected issues with pages that contained Kentico forms, which led me to believe there is a potential conflict with Kentico Page Builders client-side files.

    As all Kentico Developers are aware, the Page Builder CSS and JavaScript files are required for managing the layout of pages built with widgets as well as the creation and use of Kentico forms consisting of:

    • PageBuilderStyles - consisting CSS files declared in the </head> section of the page code.
    • PageBuilderScripts - consisting of JavaScript files declared before the closing </body> tag.

    In this case, the issue resided with Cookiebot blocking scripts that are generated in code as an extension method or as a Razor Tag Helper.

        <!-- Extension Method -->
        <!-- Razor Tag Helper -->
        <page-builder-scripts />

    Depending on the cookie consent given, Kentico Forms either failed on user submission or did not fulfil a specific action, such as, conditional form element visibility or validation.

    The first thing that came to mind was that I needed to configure the Page Builder scripts by allowing it to be ignored by Cookiebot. Cookiebot shouldn't hinder any key site functionality as long as you have configured the consent options correctly to disable cookie blocking for specific client-side scripts via the data-cookieconsent attribute:

    <script data-cookieconsent="ignore">
        // This JavaScript code will run regardless of cookie consent given.
    <script data-cookieconsent="preferences, statistics, marketing">
        // This JavaScript code will run if consent is given to one or all of options set in "cookieconsent" data attribute.

    Of course, it's without saying that the data-cookieconsent should be used sparingly - only in situations where you may need the script to execute regardless of consent and have employed alternative ways of ensuring that the cookies are only set after consent has been obtained.

    But how can the Page Builder scripts generated by Kentico be modified to include the cookie consent attribute?

    If I am being honest, the approach I have taken to resolve this issue does not sit quite right with me, as I feel there is a better solution out there I just haven't been able to find...

    Inside the _Layout.cshtml file, I added a conditional statement that checked if the page is in edit mode. If true, the page builder scripts will render normally using the generated output from the Tag Helper. Otherwise, manually output all the scripts from the Tag Helper and assign the data-cookieconsent attribute.

        @if (Context.Kentico().PageBuilder().EditMode)
            <page-builder-scripts />
            <script src="/_content/Kentico.Content.Web.Rcl/Scripts/jquery-3.5.1.js" data-cookieconsent="ignore"></script>
            <script src="/_content/Kentico.Content.Web.Rcl/Scripts/jquery.unobtrusive-ajax.js" data-cookieconsent="ignore"></script>
            <script type="text/javascript" data-cookieconsent="ignore">
                window.kentico = window.kentico || {};
                window.kentico.builder = {};
                window.kentico.builder.useJQuery = true;
            <script src="/Content/Bundles/Public/pageComponents.min.js" data-cookieconsent="ignore"></script>
            <script src="/_content/Kentico.Content.Web.Rcl/Content/Bundles/Public/systemFormComponents.min.js" data-cookieconsent="ignore"></script>

    After the modifications were made, all Kentico Forms were once again fully functional. However, the main disadvantage of this approach is that issues may arise when new hotfixes or major versions are released as the hard-coded script references will require checking.

    If anyone can suggest a better approach to integrating a cookie compliance solution or making modifications to the page builder script output, please leave a comment.

    Useful Information

  • Published on
    4 min read

    Addressing The Lack of Kentico Content

    I spoke to one of my developer friends a while back and as conversations go with someone tech-minded, it's a mixture of talking about code, frameworks, and platforms entwined with the more life-centric catch-up.

    Both having been in the tech industry for over 15 years, we discussed the "old ways" and what we did back then that we don't do now, which led to Kentico - a platform that we used to talk about all the time, where we'd try and push the boundaries to create awesome websites in the hopes of winning the coveted site of the month or year award. It occurred to us that it's not something we talk much about anymore. Almost as if overnight it vanished from our consciousness.

    Looking through the archive of postings, it's evident I haven't published anything Kentico-related in a long time, with my most recent being in September 2020. Despite the lack of Kentico content on my site, it remains a key player in the list of CMS platforms that I work with. The only difference is the share of Kentico projects are smaller when compared to the pre-2020 era.

    In this post, I discuss my thoughts as to the reason behind my lack of Kentico-related output.

    NOTE: This post consists of my view points alone.

    Licensing Cause and Effect

    A contributing factor was the substantial shift in their licensing model sometime in 2020. Moving to an annual subscription at an increased cost and ditching the base license created somewhat of a barrier to entry for small to mid-sized clients who just needed a reliable CMS platform with customisability. So for someone like myself who could provide Kentico solutions in a freelance capacity was instantly priced out.

    I understand why Kentico needed to reassess its price structure. They offer one of the best .NET CMSs and to stay at the top, an increase in revenue is required to drive the business forward. In all honesty, I believe we had a good run on the old licensing model for over ten years, and it was only a matter of time until a pricing review was required.

    It's just a hard sell when trying to sell a CMS with a £10,000 price tag before any development has even started.

    In light of this, it's only natural to look for alternatives that align with your own business strategy and development needs. The time originally spent developing Kentico has now been reallocated to alternative CMS platforms.

    A Stable Well-Rounded Platform

    Kentico is a mature product with many out-of-the-box capabilities (that get better with every release), which indirectly contributed to my lack of blogging on the subject. I usually only blog about a platform when I find useful workarounds or discover an issue that I was able to resolve.

    This is truly a compliment and testament to Kentico's build quality. There is no need to write about something that is already well-documented and written by active users of the community.

    Reassessing The Kentico Offering

    Kentico is still offered whenever possible. Both clients and developers alike have confidence in the platform. Clients enjoy the interface and security. Developers appreciate the customisability, clear architecture, quick hot fixing, and consistency between editions.

    The only question we now have to ask ourselves is whether Kentico is the right platform for the client's requirements. Prior to the change in licensing, you would be scoffed at for asking such a question. Kentico would be the front-runner before considering anything else.

    Nowadays, Kentico would only be put forward to a client if they had large-scale requirements where cheaper CMS offerings fall short for the licensing costs to be justified.

    I was recently involved in an e-commerce project that ticked all the boxes in line with the client's priorities, which made for an ideal use-case to carry out the build in Kentico, such as:

    • Enterprise-level security
    • Industry-standard compliance
    • All in one solution consisting of content management, e-commerce, and marketing automation
    • Scalability
    • Ability to handle large sets of data
    • Advanced customisability

    In my view, if a client is not too concerned about the above, then alternatives will be used and additional development will be carried out to fill in any gaps.

    The Alternatives

    The CMS sphere is ripe with offerings where we are spoilt for choice. I have whittled these down to:

    1. Umbraco
    2. Kentico
    3. Prismic
    4. Dato
    5. HubSpot

    In my view, those variety of CMSs covers all pricing points, technologies and customisability.


    I would always jump at the chance in developing in Kentico as I know a large complex website can be developed with almost infinite customisation. But we can't help but notice there is a lot of competition out there, each providing a range of features across different architectures and price ranges.

    Based on my own experience, the demand for fully featured CMS platforms that have a large hosting footprint are reducing in popularity in the advent of more API driven (also known as headless) content delivery that works alongside other microservices.

    Investing in the Kentico eco-system (including its headless variant, Kontent) is always worth considering. It may just not be something I will be writing about consistently here as it requires a more corporate-level type of clientele.

  • I decided to write this post to primarily act as a reminder to myself when dealing with programmatically creating content pages in Umbraco and expanding upon my previous post on setting a dropdownlist in code. I have been working on a piece of functionality where I needed to develop an import task to pull in content from a different CMS platform to Umbraco that encompassed the use of different field-types, such as:

    • Textbox
    • Dropdownlist
    • Media Picker
    • Content Picker

    It might just be me, but I find it difficult to find solutions to Umbraco related problems I sometimes face. This could be due to results returned in search engines reference forum posts for older versions of Umbraco that are no longer compatible in the version I'm working in (version 8).

    When storing data in the field types listed (above), I encountered issues when trying to store values in all field types except “Textbox”. The other fields either required some form of JSON structure or Udi to be parsed.


    My code contains three methods:

    1. SetPost - to create a new blog post, or update an existing blog post if one already exists.
    2. GetAuthorIdByName - uses Umbraco Examine Search Index to get back an Author document and return the Udi.
    3. GetUmbracoMedia - uses the internal Examine Search Index to return details of a file in a form that will be acceptable to store within a Media Picker content field.

    The SetPost method consists of a combination of fields required by my Blog Post document, the primary ones being:

    • Blog Post Type (blogPostType) - Dropdownlist
    • Blog Post Author (blogPostAuthor) - Content Picker
    • Image (image) - Media Picker
    • Categories (blogPostCategories) - Tags
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates or updates an existing blog post.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="title"></param>
    /// <param name="summary"></param>
    /// <param name="postDate"></param>
    /// <param name="type"></param>
    /// <param name="imageUrl"></param>
    /// <param name="body"></param>
    /// <param name="categories"></param>
    /// <param name="authorId"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private static PublishResult SetPost(string title, 
                                        string summary, 
                                        DateTime postDate, 
                                        string type, 
                                        string imageUrl, 
                                        string body, 
                                        List<string> categories = null, 
                                        string authorId = "")
        PublishResult publishResult = null;
        IContentService contentService = Current.Services.ContentService;
        ISearcher searchIndex = ExamineUtility.GetIndex().GetSearcher();
        // Get blog post by it's page title.
        ISearchResult blogPostSearchItem = searchIndex.CreateQuery()
                                        .Field("pageTitle", title.TrimEnd())
        bool existingBlogPost = blogPostSearchItem != null;
        // Get the parent section where the new blog post will reside, in this case Blog Index.
        IContent blogIndex = contentService.GetPagedChildren(1099, 0, 1, out _).FirstOrDefault();
        if (blogIndex != null)
            IContent blogPostContent;
            // If blog post doesn't already exist, then create a new node, otherwise retrieve existing node by ID to update.
            if (!existingBlogPost)
                blogPostContent = contentService.CreateAndSave(title.TrimEnd(), blogIndex.Id, "blogPost");
                blogPostContent = contentService.GetById(int.Parse(blogPostSearchItem.Id));
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(title))
                blogPostContent.SetValue("pageTitle", title.TrimEnd());
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(summary))
                blogPostContent.SetValue("pageSummary", summary);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(body))
                blogPostContent.SetValue("body", body);
            if (postDate != DateTime.MinValue)
                blogPostContent.SetValue("blogPostDate", postDate);
            // Set Dropdownlist field.
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(type))
                blogPostContent.SetValue("blogPostType", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new[] { type }));
            // Set Content-picker field by parsing a "Udi". Reference to an Author page. 
            if (authorId != string.Empty)
                blogPostContent.SetValue("blogPostAuthor", authorId);
            // Set Media-picker field.
            if (imageUrl != string.Empty)
                string umbracoMedia = GetUmbracoMedia(imageUrl);
                // A stringified JSON object is required to set a Media-picker field.
                if (umbracoMedia != string.Empty)
                    blogPostContent.SetValue("image",  umbracoMedia);
            // Set tags.
            if (categories?.Count > 0)
                blogPostContent.AssignTags("blogPostCategories", categories);
            publishResult = contentService.SaveAndPublish(blogPostContent);
        return publishResult;
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets UDI of an author by fullname.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="fullName"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private static string GetAuthorIdByName(string fullName)
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fullName))
            ISearcher searchIndex = ExamineUtility.GetIndex().GetSearcher();
            ISearchResult authorSearchItem = searchIndex.CreateQuery()
                                            .Field("nodeName", fullName)
            if (authorSearchItem != null)
                UmbracoHelper umbracoHelper = Umbraco.Web.Composing.Current.UmbracoHelper;
                return Udi.Create(Constants.UdiEntityType.Document, umbracoHelper.Content(authorSearchItem.Id).Key).ToString();
        return string.Empty;
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the umbracoFile of a media item by filename.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="fileName"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private static string GetUmbracoMedia(string fileName)
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName))
            ISearcher searchIndex = ExamineUtility.GetIndex("InternalIndex").GetSearcher();
            ISearchResult imageSearchItem = searchIndex.CreateQuery()
                                            .Field("umbracoFileSrc", fileName)
            if (imageSearchItem != null)
                List<Dictionary<string, string>> imageData = new List<Dictionary<string, string>> {
                        new Dictionary<string, string>() {
                            { "key", Guid.NewGuid().ToString() },
                            { "mediaKey", imageSearchItem.AllValues["__Key"].FirstOrDefault().ToString() },
                            { "crops", null },
                            { "focalPoint", null }
                return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(imageData);
        return string.Empty;

    Usage Example - Iterating Through A Dataset

    In this example, I'm iterating through a dataset of posts and parsing the field value to each parameter of the SetPost method.

    SqlDataReader reader = sqlCmd.ExecuteReader();
    if (reader.HasRows)
        while (reader.Read())
                    new List<string>
                            "Category 1",
                            "Category 2",
                            "Category 3"

    Use of Umbraco Examine Search

    One thing to notice is that when I’m retrieving the parent page to where the new page will reside or checking for a page or media file, Umbraco Examine Search Index is used. I find querying the search index is the most efficient way to return data without consistently hitting the database - ideal for when carrying out a repetitive task like an import.

    In my code samples, I'm using a custom ExamineUtility class to retrieve the search index in a more condensed and tidy manner:

    public class ExamineUtility
        /// <summary>
        /// Get Examine search index.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="defaultIndexName"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static IIndex GetIndex(string defaultIndexName = "ExternalIndex")
            if (!ExamineManager.Instance.TryGetIndex(defaultIndexName, out IIndex index) || !(index is IUmbracoIndex))
                throw new Exception("Examine Search Index could not be found.");
            return index;


    Hopefully, the code I have demonstrated in this post will give a clearer idea on how to programmatically work with content pages using a combination of different field types. For further code samples on working with different field types, take a look at the "Built-in Umbraco Property Editors" documentation.

  • After working on all things Hubspot over the last year whether that involved building and configuring site instances to developing API integrations, I have seemed to have missed out on CMS development-related projects. Most recently, I have been involved in an Umbraco site build where pages needed to be dynamically created via an external API.

    Programmatically creating CMS pages is quite a straight-forward job as all one needs to do is:

    • Select the parent node your dynamically created page needs to reside
    • Check the parent exists
    • Create page and set field values
    • Publish

    From past experience when passing values to page fields, it's been simple as passing a single value based on the field type. For example:

    myNewPage.SetValue("pageTitle", "Hello World");
    myNewPage.SetValue("bodyContent", "<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.</p>");
    myNewPage.SetValue("hasExpired", true);
    myNewPage.SetValue("price", 9.99M);

    Umbraco has something completely different in mind if you plan on setting the value of type "Dropdown". Simply sending a single value will not work even though it is accepted during runtime. You will need to send a value as a Json array:

    string type = "Permanent";
    myNewPage.SetValue("jobType", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new[] { type }));

    This is approach is required regardless of whether you've set the "Dropdown" field type in Umbraco as single or multiple choice.

  • Ever since a Ucommerce site built in Umbraco went live, the uptime monitoring system would send a notification every day or so to report the site has gone down.

    There isn't any reason for this to happen as the site in question wasn't getting enough visitors a day to warrant such a service disruption. It was a new online presence. In addition, the hosting architecture can handle such an influx of visitors with ease should such a scenario arise.

    Something random is happening at application level causing the site to timeout. Naturally, the first place to check when there are any application problems is the event log. No errors were being flagged. Just pages and pages of "Information" level entries, which are of little use. This didn't seem right and decided to check where the log files are stored within the '/App_Data/Logs' directory and just as well I did. I was greeted by many log files totalling over 3GB in size, with the current day log measuring at 587MB and increasing.

    Appending new lines of text to an already large text file is bound to have an impact on site performance, especially when it's happening at such regular intervals. I needed to streamline what gets logged. I have no interest in "Information" log entries. To do this, the following setting in the serilog.config file found in the "/config" director needed to be updated:

    <add key="serilog:write-to:File.restrictedToMinimumLevel" value="Warning" />

    Previously, this setting is set to "Debug" which logs all site activity. Once this was updated, the socket timeout issue was resolved.

  • The Kentico Kontent ASP.NET Core boilerplate contains a CustomContentLinkUrlResolver class that allows all links within your content to be transformed into a custom URL path based on the content-type a link is referencing. The out-of-the-box boilerplate solution works for most scenarios. But there will be times when links cannot be resolved in such a simplistic fashion, especially if your project is using dynamic page routing.

    What we need to do is make a small tweak to the CustomContentLinkUrlResolver class so we can use Kontent’s DeliveryClient object, which in turn allows us to query the API and carry out a complex ruleset for resolving URL’s.

    To give a frame of reference, the out-of-the-box CustomContentLinkUrlResolver class contains the following code:

    public class CustomContentLinkUrlResolver : IContentLinkUrlResolver
        /// <summary>
        /// Resolves the link URL.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="link">The link.</param>
        /// <returns>A relative URL to the page where the content is displayed</returns>
        public string ResolveLinkUrl(ContentLink link)
            return $"/{link.UrlSlug}";
        /// <summary>
        /// Resolves the broken link URL.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A relative URL to the site's 404 page</returns>
        public string ResolveBrokenLinkUrl()
            // Resolves URLs to unavailable content items
            return "/404";

    This will be changed to:

    public class CustomContentLinkUrlResolver : IContentLinkUrlResolver
        IDeliveryClient deliveryClient;
        public CustomContentLinkUrlResolver(DeliveryOptions deliveryOptions)
            deliveryClient = DeliveryClientBuilder.WithProjectId(deliveryOptions.ProjectId).Build();
        /// <summary>
        /// Resolves the link URL.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="link">The link.</param>
        /// <returns>A relative URL to the page where the content is displayed</returns>
        public string ResolveLinkUrl(ContentLink link)
            switch (link.ContentTypeCodename)
                case Home.Codename:
                    return "/";
                case BlogListing.Codename:
                    return "/Blog";
                case BlogPost.Codename:
                    return $"/Blog/{link.UrlSlug}";
                case NewsArticle.Codename:
                    // A simplistic example of the Delivery Client in use to resolve a link...
                    NewsArticle newsArticle = Task.Run(async () => await deliveryClient.GetItemsAsync<NewsArticle>(
                                                                                new EqualsFilter("", link.Id),
                                                                                new ElementsParameter("url"),
                                                                                new LimitParameter(1)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(newsArticle?.Url))
                        return newsArticle.Url;
                        return ResolveBrokenLinkUrl();
                    return $"/{link.UrlSlug}"; 
        /// <summary>
        /// Resolves the broken link URL.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A relative URL to the site's 404 page</returns>
        public string ResolveBrokenLinkUrl()
            // Resolves URLs to unavailable content items
            return "/404";

    In the updated code, we are using DeliveryClientBuilder.WithProjectId() method to create a new instance of the DeliveryClient object, which can then be used if a link needs to resolve a News Article content type. You have may have also noticed the class is now accepting a DeliveryOptions object as its parameter. This object is populated on startup with Kontent’s core settings from the appsettings.json file. All we’re interested in is retrieving the Project ID.

    A small update to the Startup.cs file will also need to be carried out where the CustomContentLinkUrlResolver class is referenced.

    public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
        var deliveryOptions = new DeliveryOptions();
        IDeliveryClient BuildBaseClient(IServiceProvider sp) => DeliveryClientBuilder
            .WithOptions(_ => deliveryOptions)
            .WithTypeProvider(new CustomTypeProvider())
            .WithContentLinkUrlResolver(new CustomContentLinkUrlResolver(deliveryOptions)) // Line to update.

    I should highlight at this point the changes that have been illustrated above have been made on an older version of the Kentico Kontent boilerplate. But the same approach applies. The only thing I’ve noticed that normally changes between boilerplate revisions is the Startup.cs file. The DeliveryOptions class is still in use, but you may have to make a small tweak to ascertain its values.

  • Yesterday, I was frantically trying to debug why some documents weren’t getting returned when using the DocumentHelper.GetDocuments() method. Normally when this happens, I need delve deeper to see what SQL Kentico is generating via the API in order to get a little more information on where the querying could be going wrong. To do this, I perform a little “hacky” approach (purely for debugging) whereby I break the SQL within the API by insert a random character within the OrderBy or Where condition parameters.

    Voila! The can see the SQL in the error page.

    But it was only yesterday where I was shown a much more elegant solution by simply adding a GetFullQueryText() to your GetDocuments(), which then returns the SQL with all the parameters populated for you:

    string debugQuery = DocumentHelper.GetDocuments()
                                      .Path("/", PathTypeEnum.Children)
                                      .OrderBy("NodeLevel ASC", "NodeOrder ASC")

    I can’t believe I did not know this after so many years working on Kentico! How embarrassing...

  • The first thing that came into my head when testing the waters to start the process of moving over to Gatsby was my blog post content. If I could get my content in a form a Gatsby site accepts then that's half the battle won right there, the theory being it will simplify the build process.

    I opted to go down the local storage route where Gatsby would serve markdown files for my blog post content. Everything else such as the homepage, archive, about and contact pages can be static. I am hoping this isn’t something I will live to regret but I like the idea my content being nicely preserved in source control where I have full ownership without relying on a third-party platform.

    My site is currently built on the .NET framework using Kentico CMS. Exporting data is relatively straight-forward, but as I transition to a somewhat content-less managed approach, I need to ensure all fields used within my blog posts are transformed appropriately into the core building blocks of my markdown files.

    A markdown file can carry additional field information about my post that can be declared at the start of the file, wrapped by triple dashes at the start and end of the block. This is called frontmatter.

    Here is a snippet of one of my blog posts exported to a markdown file:

    title: "Maldives and Vilamendhoo Island Resort"
    summary: "At Vilamendhoo Island Resort you are surrounded by serene beauty wherever you look. Judging by the serendipitous chain of events where the stars aligned, going to the Maldives has been a long time in the coming - I just didn’t know it."
    date: "2019-09-21T14:51:37Z"
    draft: false
    slug: "/Maldives-and-Vilamendhoo-Island-Resort"
    disqusId: "b08afeae-a825-446f-b448-8a9cae16f37a"
    teaserImage: "/media/Blog/Travel/VilamendhooSunset.jpg"
    socialImage: "/media/Blog/Travel/VilamendhooShoreline.jpg"
    categories: ["Surinders-Log"]
    tags: ["holiday", "maldives"]
    Writing about my holiday has started to become a bit of a tradition (for those that are worthy of such time and effort!) which seem to start when I went to [Bali last year](/Blog/2018/07/06/My-Time-At-Melia-Bali-Hotel). 
    I find it's a way to pass the time in airports and flights when making the return journey home. So here's another one...

    Everything looks well structured and from the way I have formatted the date, category and tags fields, it will lend itself to be quite accommodating for the needs of future posts. I made the decision to keep the slug value void of any directory structure to give me the flexibility on dynamically creating a URL structure.

    Kentico Blog Posts to Markdown Exporter

    The quickest way to get the content out was to create a console app to carry out the following:

    1. Loop through all blog posts in post date descending.
    2. Update all images paths used as a teaser and within the content.
    3. Convert rich text into markdown.
    4. Construct frontmatter key-value fields.
    5. Output to a text file in the following naming convention: “”.

    Tasks 2 and 3 will require the most effort…

    When I first started using Kentico, all references to images were made directly via the file path and as I got more familiar with Kentico, this was changed to use permanent URLs. Using permanent URL’s caused the link to an image to change from "/Surinder/media/Surinder/myimage.jpg", to “/getmedia/27b68146-9f25-49c4-aced-ba378f33b4df /myimage.jpg?width=500”. I need to create additional checks to find these URL’s and transform into a new path.

    Finding a good .NET markdown converter is imperative. Without this, there is a high chance the rich text content would not be translated to a satisfactorily standard, resulting in some form of manual intervention to carry out corrections. Combing through 250 posts manually isn’t my idea of fun! :-)

    I found the ReverseMarkdown .NET library allowed for enough options to deal with Rich Text to Markdown conversion. I could set in the conversion process to ignore HTML that couldn’t be transformed thus preserving content.


    using CMS.DataEngine;
    using CMS.DocumentEngine;
    using CMS.Helpers;
    using CMS.MediaLibrary;
    using Export.BlogPosts.Models;
    using ReverseMarkdown;
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Configuration;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
    namespace Export.BlogPosts
        class Program
            public const string SiteName = "SurinderBhomra";
            public const string MarkdownFilesOutputPath = @"C:\Temp\BlogPosts\";
            public const string NewMediaBaseFolder = "/media";
            public const string CloudImageServiceUrl = "";
            static void Main(string[] args)
                List<BlogPost> blogPosts = GetBlogPosts();
                if (blogPosts.Any())
                    foreach (BlogPost bp in blogPosts)
                        bool isMDFileGenerated = CreateMDFile(bp);
                        Console.WriteLine($"{bp.PostDate:yyyy-MM-dd} - {bp.Title} - {(isMDFileGenerated ? "EXPORTED" : "FAILED")}");
            /// <summary>
            /// Retrieve all blog posts from Kentico.
            /// </summary>
            /// <returns></returns>
            private static List<BlogPost> GetBlogPosts()
                List<BlogPost> posts = new List<BlogPost>();
                InfoDataSet<TreeNode> query = DocumentHelper.GetDocuments()
                                                   .Path("/Blog", PathTypeEnum.Children)
                                                   .OrderBy("BlogPostDate DESC")
                if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(query))
                    foreach (TreeNode blogPost in query)
                        posts.Add(new BlogPost
                            Guid = blogPost.NodeGUID.ToString(),
                            Title = blogPost.GetStringValue("BlogPostTitle", string.Empty),
                            Summary = blogPost.GetStringValue("BlogPostSummary", string.Empty),
                            Body = RichTextToMarkdown(blogPost.GetStringValue("BlogPostBody", string.Empty)),
                            PostDate = blogPost.GetDateTimeValue("BlogPostDate", DateTime.MinValue),
                            Slug = blogPost.NodeAlias,
                            DisqusId = blogPost.NodeGUID.ToString(),
                            Categories = blogPost.Categories.DisplayNames.Select(c => c.Value.ToString()).ToList(),
                            Tags = blogPost.DocumentTags.Replace("\"", string.Empty).Split(',').Select(t => t.Trim(' ')).Where(t => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(t)).ToList(),
                            SocialImage = GetMediaFilePath(blogPost.GetStringValue("ShareImageUrl", string.Empty)),
                            TeaserImage = GetMediaFilePath(blogPost.GetStringValue("BlogPostTeaser", string.Empty))
                return posts;
            /// <summary>
            /// Creates the markdown content based on Blog Post data.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="bp"></param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            private static string GenerateMDContent(BlogPost bp)
                StringBuilder mdBuilder = new StringBuilder();
                #region Post Attributes
                mdBuilder.Append($"title: \"{bp.Title.Replace("\"", "\\\"")}\"{Environment.NewLine}");
                mdBuilder.Append($"summary: \"{HTMLHelper.HTMLDecode(bp.Summary).Replace("\"", "\\\"")}\"{Environment.NewLine}");
                mdBuilder.Append($"date: \"{bp.PostDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ")}\"{Environment.NewLine}");
                mdBuilder.Append($"draft: {bp.IsDraft.ToString().ToLower()}{Environment.NewLine}");
                mdBuilder.Append($"slug: \"/{bp.Slug}\"{Environment.NewLine}");
                mdBuilder.Append($"disqusId: \"{bp.DisqusId}\"{Environment.NewLine}");
                mdBuilder.Append($"teaserImage: \"{bp.TeaserImage}\"{Environment.NewLine}");
                mdBuilder.Append($"socialImage: \"{bp.SocialImage}\"{Environment.NewLine}");
                #region Categories
                if (bp.Categories?.Count > 0)
                    CommaDelimitedStringCollection categoriesCommaDelimited = new CommaDelimitedStringCollection();
                    foreach (string categoryName in bp.Categories)
                    mdBuilder.Append($"categories: [{categoriesCommaDelimited.ToString()}]{Environment.NewLine}");
                #region Tags
                if (bp.Tags?.Count > 0)
                    CommaDelimitedStringCollection tagsCommaDelimited = new CommaDelimitedStringCollection();
                    foreach (string tagName in bp.Tags)
                    mdBuilder.Append($"tags: [{tagsCommaDelimited.ToString()}]{Environment.NewLine}");
                // Add blog post body content.
                return mdBuilder.ToString();
            /// <summary>
            /// Creates files with a .md extension.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="bp"></param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            private static bool CreateMDFile(BlogPost bp)
                string markdownContents = GenerateMDContent(bp);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(markdownContents))
                    return false;
                string fileName = $"{bp.PostDate:yyyy-MM-dd}---{bp.Slug}.md";
                File.WriteAllText($@"{MarkdownFilesOutputPath}{fileName}", markdownContents);
                if (File.Exists($@"{MarkdownFilesOutputPath}{fileName}"))
                    return true;
                return false;
            /// <summary>
            /// Gets the full relative path of an file based on its Permanent URL ID. 
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="filePath"></param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            private static string GetMediaFilePath(string filePath)
                if (filePath.Contains("getmedia"))
                    // Get GUID from file path.
                    Match regexFileMatch = Regex.Match(filePath, @"(\{){0,1}[0-9a-fA-F]{8}\-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}(\}){0,1}");
                    if (regexFileMatch.Success)
                        MediaFileInfo mediaFile = MediaFileInfoProvider.GetMediaFileInfo(Guid.Parse(regexFileMatch.Value), SiteName);
                        if (mediaFile != null)
                            return $"{NewMediaBaseFolder}/{mediaFile.FilePath}";
                // Return the file path and remove the base file path.
                return filePath.Replace("/SurinderBhomra/media/Surinder", NewMediaBaseFolder);
            /// <summary>
            /// Convert parsed rich text value to markdown.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="richText"></param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            public static string RichTextToMarkdown(string richText)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(richText))
                    #region Loop through all images and correct the path
                    // Clean up tilda's.
                    richText = richText.Replace("~/", "/");
                    #region Transform Image Url's Using Width Parameter
                    Regex regexFileUrlWidth = new Regex(@"\/getmedia\/(\{{0,1}[0-9a-fA-F]{8}\-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}\}{0,1})\/([\w,\s-]+\.[A-Za-z]{3})(\?width=([0-9]*))", RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                    foreach (Match fileUrl in regexFileUrlWidth.Matches(richText))
                        string width = fileUrl.Groups[4] != null ? fileUrl.Groups[4].Value : string.Empty;
                        string newMediaUrl = $"{CloudImageServiceUrl}/width/{width}/n/{GetMediaFilePath(ClearQueryStrings(fileUrl.Value))}";
                        if (newMediaUrl != string.Empty)
                            richText = richText.Replace(fileUrl.Value, newMediaUrl);
                    #region Transform Generic File Url's
                    Regex regexGenericFileUrl = new Regex(@"\/getmedia\/(\{{0,1}[0-9a-fA-F]{8}\-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}\}{0,1})\/([\w,\s-]+\.[A-Za-z]{3})", RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                    foreach (Match fileUrl in regexGenericFileUrl.Matches(richText))
                        // Construct media URL required by image hosting company - CloudImage. 
                        string newMediaUrl = $"{CloudImageServiceUrl}/cdno/n/n/{GetMediaFilePath(ClearQueryStrings(fileUrl.Value))}";
                        if (newMediaUrl != string.Empty)
                            richText = richText.Replace(fileUrl.Value, newMediaUrl);
                    Config config = new Config
                        UnknownTags = Config.UnknownTagsOption.PassThrough, // Include the unknown tag completely in the result (default as well)
                        GithubFlavored = true, // generate GitHub flavoured markdown, supported for BR, PRE and table tags
                        RemoveComments = true, // will ignore all comments
                        SmartHrefHandling = true // remove markdown output for links where appropriate
                    Converter markdownConverter = new Converter(config);
                    return markdownConverter.Convert(richText).Replace(@"[!\", @"[!").Replace(@"\]", @"]");
                return string.Empty;
            /// <summary>
            /// Returns media url without query string values.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="mediaUrl"></param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            private static string ClearQueryStrings(string mediaUrl)
                if (mediaUrl == null)
                    return string.Empty;
                if (mediaUrl.Contains("?"))
                    mediaUrl = mediaUrl.Split('?').ToList()[0];
                return mediaUrl.Replace("~", string.Empty);

    There is a lot going on here, so let's do a quick breakdown:

    1. GetBlogPosts(): Get all blog posts from Kentico and parse them to a “BlogPost” class object containing all the fields we want to export.
    2. GetMediaFilePath(): Take the image path and carry out all the transformation required to change to a new file path. This method is used in GetBlogPosts() and RichTextToMarkdown() methods.
    3. RichTextToMarkdown(): Takes rich text and goes through a transformation process to relink images in a format that will be accepted by my image hosting provider - Cloud Image. In addition, this is where ReverseMarkdown is used to finally convert to markdown.
    4. CreateMDFile(): Creates the .md file based on the blog posts found in Kentico.
  • I’ll get right to it. Should I be making the move to a headless content management platform? I am no stranger to the Headless CMS sector after the many years of being involved in using different providers for client-based projects, so I am well-versed on the technology to make a judgement. But any form of judgment gets thrown out the window when making a consideration from a personal perspective.

    Making the move to a Headless CMS is something I’ve been thinking for quite some time now as it would streamline my website development considerably. I can see my web application build footprint being smaller compared to how it is at the moment by running on Kentico 12.

    This website has been running on Kentico CMS for around 6 years ever since I was first introduced to the Kentico platform, which gave me a very good reason to move from BlogEngine. I wanted my web presence to be more than just a blog that would give me the flexibility to be something more. I do not like the idea of being restricted to just one feature-base.

    As great as it is running my website on Kentico CMS, it’s too big of an application for my needs. Afterall, I am just using the content-management functionality and none of the other great features the platform offers, so it’s good time to start thinking of downsizing and reduce running costs. Headless seems the most suitable option right?

    I won’t be going into detail on what headless is. The internet contains information on the subject matter detailed in a more digestable manner over the years suitable for varied levels of technical expertise. “Headless CMS” is the industry buzz-word that clients are aware of. You can also take a read of a Medium post I wrote last year about one type of headless platform - Kentico Cloud (now named Kontent) and the market.

    So why haven’t I made the move to Headless CMS? I think it comes down to following factors:

    • Pricing
    • Infrastructure and stability
    • Platform changes
    • Trust


    First and foremost, it’s the price. I am aware that all Headless CMS providers have a free or starter tier, each with their own defined limitations whether that be the number of API requests or content limits. I like to look into the future and see where my online presence may take me and at some point, I would need to consider the cost of a paid tier. How does that fit into my yearly hosting costs?

    At the moment, I am paying £80 yearly. If I were to jump onto headless, the cheapest price I’ve seen equates to £66 a year and I haven’t factored in hosting costs yet. I could get away with low-cost hosting as my web build will be on a smaller scale and I plan my next build using the .NET Core framework.

    If I had my own company or product where I was looking for ways to deliver content across multiple channels, I would use headless in a heartbeat. I could justify the cost as I know I would be getting my money’s worth and if I were to find myself exceeding a tiers limit I could just move onto the next.

    Infrastructure and Stability

    Infrastructure and stability of a headless service all come down to how much you’re willing to pay. The API uptime is the most important part after the platform features. I’ve noticed that some starter and free tiers do not state an uptime, for example, 99.9% or 99.5%. Depending on the technology stack, this might not be an issue where a constant connection to the API is required, for example, Gatsby.

    I do think in this area where Headless CMS wins, is the failover and backup procedures in place. They would more than likely surpass the infrastructure in place from a personally hosted and managed site.

    Platform Changes

    It’s natural for improvements and changes to be made throughout the lifespan of a product. The only thing with headless you don’t have a choice on whether you want those changes as what works for one person may not necessarily work for another. You are locked into the release cycle.

    I remember back in the early days when Headless CMS’s started to gain traction, releases were being made in such a quick turnaround at the expense of the editors who had to quickly adapt to the subtle changes in features. The good thing now is the dust has settled as the platform has gotten to the point of maturity.

    The one area I still have difficulty getting over is the rich-text area. Each headless CMS provider seems to have their restrictions and you never really get full control over HTML markup unless a normal text area is used. There are ways around this but some restrictions still do exist.

    Where do you as an individual fit into this lifecycle? That’s the million-dollar question. However, there is one headless platform that is very involved with feedback from their users, Kentico Kontent, where all ideas are put under consideration, voted on and (if successful) submitted into the roadmap. I haven’t seen this approach offered by other Headless CMS platforms and maybe this is something they should also do.


    There is a trust aspect to an external provider storing your content. Data is your most valuable asset. Is there any chance in the service being discontinued at some-point? If I am being totally honest to myself, I don’t think this is a valid point as long as the chosen platform has proven it’s worth and cemented itself over a lengthy period of time. Choose the big players (in no particular order), such as:

    • Kontent
    • Contentful
    • Prismic
    • DatoCMS
    • ButterCMS

    There is also another aspect to trust that draws upon a further point I made in the previous section regarding platform changes. In the past, I’ve seen content features getting deprecated. This doesn’t break your current build, just causes you to rethink things when updating to the newer version API interface.


    I think moving to a Headless CMS requires a bigger leap than I thought. I say this purely from a personal perspective. The main piece of work would be to carry out content modelling for pages, migrate all my site content and media into the new platform and apply page redirects. This is before I have made a start in developing the new site.

    I will always be in two minds on whether I should use a Headless CMS. If I wasn’t such a control-freak when it comes to every aspect of my application and content, I think I could make the move. Maybe I just need to learn to let go.