
Posts written in December 2019.

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    6 min read

    Year In Review - 2019

    I am glad to report that this year was a year of new learning. Not just about things from a technical standpoint but from a personal standpoint. I feel I started the year with a single-track mindset. However, as the year progressed I have become open to new ways of thinking and finally accepting that even though certain personal milestones I set for myself may not have been accomplished, I am content on lessons learnt from failure. Failure may suck, but it’s progression! It also gives me something to write about. :-)

    2019 in Words/Phrases

    Kentico 12 MVC, Umbraco, GatsbyJs, Azure Dev Ops, Maldives, Hiking, Drupal (yes I had to do that along with a bit of PHP), Cloudflare CDN Configuration, Google Lighthouse score, Headless CMS - strategic asset, Prismic, Netlify, Kontent, CaaS (Content-as-a-Service), Automated backups for personal hosting, iPad for improved productivity, A2 Hosting Issues, Writers block, New desk and office, Failing Macbook Pro battery, Considering an iPhone 11, Fondness of Port.

    Site Offline and Lessons Learnt

    I was welcomed with the first bit of failure in April where my website was taken offline (along with many others) for a lengthy period thanks to my previous hosting provider, A2 Hosting. They had no backups, no disaster recovery and no customer support. Their whole operation is a disaster.

    Failure = Lesson learnt.

    The only benefit of this experience was that it led me to a chain of events to reassess how I host my site and come to the realisation just how important my online presence is to me. Luckily, I was able to get back up and running by moving hosting provider. Thank god I had a recent enough backup to do this.

    Popular Posts of The Year

    This year I have written 26 posts (including this one). I've delved into my Google Analytics and picked a handful of gems where I believe in my own small way have made an impact:

    I think my crowning glory is Google classing my post about “Switching Branches in TortoiseGit" as a featured snippet. So if anyone searches for something along those search terms, they will see the following as a top post. I don't know how long this will last, but I'll take it!

    Google Featured Snippet - Switch Branches In TortoiseGit


    My site statistics have increased considerably, which has been amazing. However, I have to remain realistic and grounded in what to expect in future comparisons. I think the figures may plateau over the next year.

    The stats I post below is based on organic searches and I haven’t actively posted links on my social. Maybe this is something I should get back into doing for further exposure.

    2018/2019 Comparison:

    • Users: +50%
    • Page Views: +47%
    • New Users: +48%
    • Bounce Rate: +0.8%
    • Search Console Total Clicks: +251%
    • Search Console Impressions: +280%
    • Search Console Page Position: -15%


    I am so close to hitting the all-time milestone for the length of service when compared to any company I’ve worked in previously. In fact, I have already surpassed any previous record three-fold. As of next July, it will be 10 years! Wowsers!

    I can see the coming year will be a time to reassess how we approach our technical projects to accommodate new markets, technologies and frameworks. It’s always an exciting time to be a developer at Syndicut, but I am looking forward to sinking my teeth into new challenges ahead!

    Greater Emphasis on CaaS (Content-as-a-Service)

    Over the last year, I have noticed a shift in how content is managed. Even though I have been busy working away on headless CMS’s at Syndicut over the last few years, it seems to be the year where its properly been given global traction and market awareness. You can just tell by the number of events for both developers and clients.

    Through this exposure, clients are becoming technically savvy and questioning how and where their data is housed. Content is a strategic asset that should no longer be siloed, but distributed across multiple mediums, for example:

    • Website
    • Mobile Applications
    • Digital Billboards

    The key to a successful Headless CMS integration is not the development of an application, but the content-modelling. Based on what I have seen from other implementations, sufficient content-modelling always seems to be missed. Data-architecture is key to ensure data is scalable across all mediums.

    I am also a Kontent (previously known as Kentico Cloud) Certified Developer.

    iPad and Now iPhone???

    This subject matter truly alarms me.

    I’ve been considering getting an iPhone 11 after Google released their dismal spec of the Pixel 4 and on top of that, finding that I am really happy with my iPad Air purchase. This is coming from an Android fan!

    I have no regrets in getting an iPad, especially when combined with the a keyboard and Apple Pen. It makes you a productivity powerhouse! We live in a world where finding quality Android tablets with sufficient accessories is difficult to find.

    If I can get my head around being locked into the Apple eco-system, I might make the move. Why oh why is Google putting me in such a position. :-S

    I guess we’ll have to wait till I write my “Year In Review - 2020” on what I ended up doing.

    Coffee Tables and Desk Purchased!

    In my last year in review, I jokingly added a footnote stating I needed to get a coffee table set and desk. I can mark a massive tick against these two items for a job well done. In fact, I went a step further with purchasing a desk by converting a part of a room into a small office with the following additions:

    • Ikea desk chair
    • Corner shelves
    • An array of potted plants
    • Laptop stand
    • Very cool desk lamp
    • Nice grey rug with some pleasant subtle abstract patterns

    It’s now a perfect place where I can work and write without any distractions. The room still requires some finishing touches - in my case, it’s always the small jobs that take the longest!

    I was surprised at how productive I’ve been by finally having a small office setup. Gone are the days where I would be reclined on my sofa in front of the TV working away on my laptop.

    Redeveloping My Site

    It seems like I can’t go through a year without looking into redeveloping my site. It’s the curse when being exposed to working with new technologies and platforms. I like to ensure I am moving with the times too.

    I have been considering ditching Kentico as my content-management platform and opting for the static-generator route, such as Gatsby. Resulting in simplified platform-agnostic hosting, site architecture and with the added benefit of portability. I am in the middle of replicating my site functionality using Gatsby to see if it’s a feasible option.

    I will be posting links to my “in progress” site hosted on Netlify in my “Journey To GatsbyJs” Series, where I will be writing about things I’ve learnt trying to replicate my site functionality.

  • The first thing that came into my head when testing the waters to start the process of moving over to Gatsby was my blog post content. If I could get my content in a form a Gatsby site accepts then that's half the battle won right there, the theory being it will simplify the build process.

    I opted to go down the local storage route where Gatsby would serve markdown files for my blog post content. Everything else such as the homepage, archive, about and contact pages can be static. I am hoping this isn’t something I will live to regret but I like the idea my content being nicely preserved in source control where I have full ownership without relying on a third-party platform.

    My site is currently built on the .NET framework using Kentico CMS. Exporting data is relatively straight-forward, but as I transition to a somewhat content-less managed approach, I need to ensure all fields used within my blog posts are transformed appropriately into the core building blocks of my markdown files.

    A markdown file can carry additional field information about my post that can be declared at the start of the file, wrapped by triple dashes at the start and end of the block. This is called frontmatter.

    Here is a snippet of one of my blog posts exported to a markdown file:

    title: "Maldives and Vilamendhoo Island Resort"
    summary: "At Vilamendhoo Island Resort you are surrounded by serene beauty wherever you look. Judging by the serendipitous chain of events where the stars aligned, going to the Maldives has been a long time in the coming - I just didn’t know it."
    date: "2019-09-21T14:51:37Z"
    draft: false
    slug: "/Maldives-and-Vilamendhoo-Island-Resort"
    disqusId: "b08afeae-a825-446f-b448-8a9cae16f37a"
    teaserImage: "/media/Blog/Travel/VilamendhooSunset.jpg"
    socialImage: "/media/Blog/Travel/VilamendhooShoreline.jpg"
    categories: ["Surinders-Log"]
    tags: ["holiday", "maldives"]
    Writing about my holiday has started to become a bit of a tradition (for those that are worthy of such time and effort!) which seem to start when I went to [Bali last year](/Blog/2018/07/06/My-Time-At-Melia-Bali-Hotel). 
    I find it's a way to pass the time in airports and flights when making the return journey home. So here's another one...

    Everything looks well structured and from the way I have formatted the date, category and tags fields, it will lend itself to be quite accommodating for the needs of future posts. I made the decision to keep the slug value void of any directory structure to give me the flexibility on dynamically creating a URL structure.

    Kentico Blog Posts to Markdown Exporter

    The quickest way to get the content out was to create a console app to carry out the following:

    1. Loop through all blog posts in post date descending.
    2. Update all images paths used as a teaser and within the content.
    3. Convert rich text into markdown.
    4. Construct frontmatter key-value fields.
    5. Output to a text file in the following naming convention: “”.

    Tasks 2 and 3 will require the most effort…

    When I first started using Kentico, all references to images were made directly via the file path and as I got more familiar with Kentico, this was changed to use permanent URLs. Using permanent URL’s caused the link to an image to change from "/Surinder/media/Surinder/myimage.jpg", to “/getmedia/27b68146-9f25-49c4-aced-ba378f33b4df /myimage.jpg?width=500”. I need to create additional checks to find these URL’s and transform into a new path.

    Finding a good .NET markdown converter is imperative. Without this, there is a high chance the rich text content would not be translated to a satisfactorily standard, resulting in some form of manual intervention to carry out corrections. Combing through 250 posts manually isn’t my idea of fun! :-)

    I found the ReverseMarkdown .NET library allowed for enough options to deal with Rich Text to Markdown conversion. I could set in the conversion process to ignore HTML that couldn’t be transformed thus preserving content.


    using CMS.DataEngine;
    using CMS.DocumentEngine;
    using CMS.Helpers;
    using CMS.MediaLibrary;
    using Export.BlogPosts.Models;
    using ReverseMarkdown;
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Configuration;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
    namespace Export.BlogPosts
        class Program
            public const string SiteName = "SurinderBhomra";
            public const string MarkdownFilesOutputPath = @"C:\Temp\BlogPosts\";
            public const string NewMediaBaseFolder = "/media";
            public const string CloudImageServiceUrl = "";
            static void Main(string[] args)
                List<BlogPost> blogPosts = GetBlogPosts();
                if (blogPosts.Any())
                    foreach (BlogPost bp in blogPosts)
                        bool isMDFileGenerated = CreateMDFile(bp);
                        Console.WriteLine($"{bp.PostDate:yyyy-MM-dd} - {bp.Title} - {(isMDFileGenerated ? "EXPORTED" : "FAILED")}");
            /// <summary>
            /// Retrieve all blog posts from Kentico.
            /// </summary>
            /// <returns></returns>
            private static List<BlogPost> GetBlogPosts()
                List<BlogPost> posts = new List<BlogPost>();
                InfoDataSet<TreeNode> query = DocumentHelper.GetDocuments()
                                                   .Path("/Blog", PathTypeEnum.Children)
                                                   .OrderBy("BlogPostDate DESC")
                if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(query))
                    foreach (TreeNode blogPost in query)
                        posts.Add(new BlogPost
                            Guid = blogPost.NodeGUID.ToString(),
                            Title = blogPost.GetStringValue("BlogPostTitle", string.Empty),
                            Summary = blogPost.GetStringValue("BlogPostSummary", string.Empty),
                            Body = RichTextToMarkdown(blogPost.GetStringValue("BlogPostBody", string.Empty)),
                            PostDate = blogPost.GetDateTimeValue("BlogPostDate", DateTime.MinValue),
                            Slug = blogPost.NodeAlias,
                            DisqusId = blogPost.NodeGUID.ToString(),
                            Categories = blogPost.Categories.DisplayNames.Select(c => c.Value.ToString()).ToList(),
                            Tags = blogPost.DocumentTags.Replace("\"", string.Empty).Split(',').Select(t => t.Trim(' ')).Where(t => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(t)).ToList(),
                            SocialImage = GetMediaFilePath(blogPost.GetStringValue("ShareImageUrl", string.Empty)),
                            TeaserImage = GetMediaFilePath(blogPost.GetStringValue("BlogPostTeaser", string.Empty))
                return posts;
            /// <summary>
            /// Creates the markdown content based on Blog Post data.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="bp"></param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            private static string GenerateMDContent(BlogPost bp)
                StringBuilder mdBuilder = new StringBuilder();
                #region Post Attributes
                mdBuilder.Append($"title: \"{bp.Title.Replace("\"", "\\\"")}\"{Environment.NewLine}");
                mdBuilder.Append($"summary: \"{HTMLHelper.HTMLDecode(bp.Summary).Replace("\"", "\\\"")}\"{Environment.NewLine}");
                mdBuilder.Append($"date: \"{bp.PostDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ")}\"{Environment.NewLine}");
                mdBuilder.Append($"draft: {bp.IsDraft.ToString().ToLower()}{Environment.NewLine}");
                mdBuilder.Append($"slug: \"/{bp.Slug}\"{Environment.NewLine}");
                mdBuilder.Append($"disqusId: \"{bp.DisqusId}\"{Environment.NewLine}");
                mdBuilder.Append($"teaserImage: \"{bp.TeaserImage}\"{Environment.NewLine}");
                mdBuilder.Append($"socialImage: \"{bp.SocialImage}\"{Environment.NewLine}");
                #region Categories
                if (bp.Categories?.Count > 0)
                    CommaDelimitedStringCollection categoriesCommaDelimited = new CommaDelimitedStringCollection();
                    foreach (string categoryName in bp.Categories)
                    mdBuilder.Append($"categories: [{categoriesCommaDelimited.ToString()}]{Environment.NewLine}");
                #region Tags
                if (bp.Tags?.Count > 0)
                    CommaDelimitedStringCollection tagsCommaDelimited = new CommaDelimitedStringCollection();
                    foreach (string tagName in bp.Tags)
                    mdBuilder.Append($"tags: [{tagsCommaDelimited.ToString()}]{Environment.NewLine}");
                // Add blog post body content.
                return mdBuilder.ToString();
            /// <summary>
            /// Creates files with a .md extension.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="bp"></param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            private static bool CreateMDFile(BlogPost bp)
                string markdownContents = GenerateMDContent(bp);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(markdownContents))
                    return false;
                string fileName = $"{bp.PostDate:yyyy-MM-dd}---{bp.Slug}.md";
                File.WriteAllText($@"{MarkdownFilesOutputPath}{fileName}", markdownContents);
                if (File.Exists($@"{MarkdownFilesOutputPath}{fileName}"))
                    return true;
                return false;
            /// <summary>
            /// Gets the full relative path of an file based on its Permanent URL ID. 
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="filePath"></param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            private static string GetMediaFilePath(string filePath)
                if (filePath.Contains("getmedia"))
                    // Get GUID from file path.
                    Match regexFileMatch = Regex.Match(filePath, @"(\{){0,1}[0-9a-fA-F]{8}\-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}(\}){0,1}");
                    if (regexFileMatch.Success)
                        MediaFileInfo mediaFile = MediaFileInfoProvider.GetMediaFileInfo(Guid.Parse(regexFileMatch.Value), SiteName);
                        if (mediaFile != null)
                            return $"{NewMediaBaseFolder}/{mediaFile.FilePath}";
                // Return the file path and remove the base file path.
                return filePath.Replace("/SurinderBhomra/media/Surinder", NewMediaBaseFolder);
            /// <summary>
            /// Convert parsed rich text value to markdown.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="richText"></param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            public static string RichTextToMarkdown(string richText)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(richText))
                    #region Loop through all images and correct the path
                    // Clean up tilda's.
                    richText = richText.Replace("~/", "/");
                    #region Transform Image Url's Using Width Parameter
                    Regex regexFileUrlWidth = new Regex(@"\/getmedia\/(\{{0,1}[0-9a-fA-F]{8}\-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}\}{0,1})\/([\w,\s-]+\.[A-Za-z]{3})(\?width=([0-9]*))", RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                    foreach (Match fileUrl in regexFileUrlWidth.Matches(richText))
                        string width = fileUrl.Groups[4] != null ? fileUrl.Groups[4].Value : string.Empty;
                        string newMediaUrl = $"{CloudImageServiceUrl}/width/{width}/n/{GetMediaFilePath(ClearQueryStrings(fileUrl.Value))}";
                        if (newMediaUrl != string.Empty)
                            richText = richText.Replace(fileUrl.Value, newMediaUrl);
                    #region Transform Generic File Url's
                    Regex regexGenericFileUrl = new Regex(@"\/getmedia\/(\{{0,1}[0-9a-fA-F]{8}\-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}\}{0,1})\/([\w,\s-]+\.[A-Za-z]{3})", RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                    foreach (Match fileUrl in regexGenericFileUrl.Matches(richText))
                        // Construct media URL required by image hosting company - CloudImage. 
                        string newMediaUrl = $"{CloudImageServiceUrl}/cdno/n/n/{GetMediaFilePath(ClearQueryStrings(fileUrl.Value))}";
                        if (newMediaUrl != string.Empty)
                            richText = richText.Replace(fileUrl.Value, newMediaUrl);
                    Config config = new Config
                        UnknownTags = Config.UnknownTagsOption.PassThrough, // Include the unknown tag completely in the result (default as well)
                        GithubFlavored = true, // generate GitHub flavoured markdown, supported for BR, PRE and table tags
                        RemoveComments = true, // will ignore all comments
                        SmartHrefHandling = true // remove markdown output for links where appropriate
                    Converter markdownConverter = new Converter(config);
                    return markdownConverter.Convert(richText).Replace(@"[!\", @"[!").Replace(@"\]", @"]");
                return string.Empty;
            /// <summary>
            /// Returns media url without query string values.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="mediaUrl"></param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            private static string ClearQueryStrings(string mediaUrl)
                if (mediaUrl == null)
                    return string.Empty;
                if (mediaUrl.Contains("?"))
                    mediaUrl = mediaUrl.Split('?').ToList()[0];
                return mediaUrl.Replace("~", string.Empty);

    There is a lot going on here, so let's do a quick breakdown:

    1. GetBlogPosts(): Get all blog posts from Kentico and parse them to a “BlogPost” class object containing all the fields we want to export.
    2. GetMediaFilePath(): Take the image path and carry out all the transformation required to change to a new file path. This method is used in GetBlogPosts() and RichTextToMarkdown() methods.
    3. RichTextToMarkdown(): Takes rich text and goes through a transformation process to relink images in a format that will be accepted by my image hosting provider - Cloud Image. In addition, this is where ReverseMarkdown is used to finally convert to markdown.
    4. CreateMDFile(): Creates the .md file based on the blog posts found in Kentico.
  • I have been garnering interest in a static-site generator architecture ever since I read Paul Stamatiou’s enlightening post about how he built his website. I am always intrigued to know what goes on behind the scenes of someone's website, especially bloggers and the technology stack they use.

    Paul built his website using Jekyll. In his post, he explains his reasoning to why he decided to go down this particular avenue - with great surprise resonated with me. In the past, I always felt the static-site generator architecture was too restrictive and coming from a .NET background, I felt comfortable knowing my website was built using some form of server-side code connected to a database, allowing me infinite possibilities. Building a static site just seemed like a backwards approach to me. Paul’s opening few paragraphs changed my perception:

    ..having my website use a static site generator for a few reasons...I did not like dealing with a dynamic website that relied on a typical LAMP stack. Having a database meant that MySQL database backups was mission critical.. and testing them too. Losing an entire blog because of a corrupt database is no fun...

    ...I plan to keep my site online for decades to come. Keeping my articles in static files makes that easy. And if I ever want to move to another static site generator, porting the files over to another templating system won't be as much of a headache as dealing with a database migration.

    And then it hit me. It all made perfect sense!

    Enter The Static Site Generator Platform

    I’ll admit, I’ve come late to the static site party and never gave it enough thought, so I decided to pick up the slack and researched different static-site generator frameworks, including:

    • Jekyll
    • Hugo
    • Gatsby

    Jekyll runs on the Ruby language, Hugo on Go (invented by Google) and Gatsby on React. After some tinkering with each, I opted to invest my time in learning Gatsby. I was very tempted by Hugo, (even if it meant learning Go) as it is more stable and requires less build time which is important to consider for larger websites, but it fundamentally lacks an extensive plugin ecosystem.

    Static Generator of Choice: Gatsby

    Gatsby comes across as a mature platform offering a wide variety of useful plugins and tools to enhance the application build. I’m already familiar coding in React from when I did some React Native work in the past, which I haven’t had much chance to use again. Being built on React, it gave me an opportunity to dust the cobwebs off and improve both my React and (in the process) JavaScript skillset.

    I was surprised by just how quickly I managed to get up and running. There is nothing you have to configure unlike when working with content-management platforms. In fact, I decided to create a Gatsby version of this very site. Within a matter of days, I was able to replicate the following website functionality:

    • Listing blog posts.
    • Pagination.
    • Filtering by category and tag.
    • SEO - managing page titles, description, open-graph tags, etc.

    There I such a wealth of information and support online to help you along.

    I am very tempted to move over to Gatsby.

    When to use Static or Dynamic?

    Static site generators isn’t a framework that is suited for all web application scenarios. It’s more suited for small/medium-sized sites where there isn't a requirement for complex integrations. It works best with static content that doesn’t require changes to occur based on user interaction.

    The only thing that comes into question is the build time where you have pages of content in their thousands. Take Gatsby, for example...

    I read one site containing around 6000 posts, resulting in a build time of 3 minutes. The build time can vary based on the environment Gatsby is running on and build quality. I personally try to ensure best case build time by:

    • Sufficiently spec'd hardware is used - laptop and hosting environment.
    • Keeping the application lean by utilising minimal plugins.
    • Write efficient JavaScript.
    • Reusing similar GraphQL queries where the same data is being requested more than once in different components, pages and views.

    We have to accept the more pages a website has, the slower the build time will be. Hugo should get an honourable mention here as the build speed beats its competition hands down.

    Static sites have their place in any project as long as you conform within the confines of the framework. If you have a feeling that your next project will at some point (or immediately) require some form of fanciful integration, dynamic is the way to go. Dynamic gives you unlimited possibilities and will always be the safer option, something static will never measure against.

    The main strengths of static sites are that they’re secure and perform well in Lighthouse scoring potentially resulting favourably in search engines.

    Avenue’s for Adding Content

    The very cool thing is you have the ability to hook up to your content via two options:

    1. Markdown files
    2. Headless CMS

    Markdown is such a pleasant and efficient way to write content. It’s all just plain text written with the help of a simplified notation that is then transformed into HTML. The crucial benefit of writing in markdown is its portability and clean output. If in the future I choose to jump to a different static framework, it’s just a copy and paste job.

    A more acceptable client solution is to integrate with a Headless CMS where a more familiar Rich Text content editing and the storage of media is available to hand.

    You can also create custom-built pages without having to worry about the data layer, for example, landing pages.

    Final Thoughts

    I love Gatsby and it’s been a very long time since I have been excited by a different approach to developing websites. I am very tempted to make the move as this framework is made for sites like mine, providing I can get solutions to areas in Gatsby where I currently lack knowledge, such as:

    • Making URL’s case-insensitive.
    • 301 redirects.
    • Serving different responsive images within the post content. I understand Gatsby does this at templating-level but cannot currently see a suitable approach for media housed inside content.

    I’m sure the above points are achievable and as I have made quite swift progress on replicating my site in Gatsby, if all goes to plan, I could go the full hog. Meaning I don’t plan on serving content from any form of content-management system and cementing myself in Gatsby.

    At one point I was planning on moving over to a headless CMS, such as Kontent or Prismic. That plan was swiftly scrapped when there didn’t seem to be an avenue of migrating my existing content unless a Business or Professional plan is purchased, which came to a high cost.

    I will be documenting my progress in follow up posts. So watch this space!

  • Published on
    2 min read

    WebMarkupMin: Configuring Minification Level

    When WebMarkupMin is first added to a web project, by default the minification is set very high and found that it caused my pages not to be considered valid HTML and worse, things looking slightly broken.

    WebMinMarkup minified things that I didn’t even think required minification and the following things got stripped out of the page:

    • End HTML tags.
    • Quotes.
    • Protocols from attributes.
    • Form input type attribute.

    The good thing is, the level of minification can be controlled by creating a configuration file inside the App_Start directory of your MVC project. I thought it was be useful to post a copy of my WebMinMarkup configuration file for reference when working on future MVC projects and might also prove useful for others as well.

    public class WebMarkupMinConfig
        public static void Configure(WebMarkupMinConfiguration configuration)
            configuration.AllowMinificationInDebugMode = false;
            configuration.AllowCompressionInDebugMode = false;
            configuration.DisablePoweredByHttpHeaders = true;
            DefaultLogger.Current = new ThrowExceptionLogger();
            IHtmlMinificationManager htmlMinificationManager = HtmlMinificationManager.Current;
            HtmlMinificationSettings htmlMinificationSettings = htmlMinificationManager.MinificationSettings;
            htmlMinificationSettings.RemoveRedundantAttributes = true;
            htmlMinificationSettings.RemoveHttpProtocolFromAttributes = false;
            htmlMinificationSettings.RemoveHttpsProtocolFromAttributes = false;
            htmlMinificationSettings.AttributeQuotesRemovalMode = HtmlAttributeQuotesRemovalMode.KeepQuotes;
            htmlMinificationSettings.RemoveOptionalEndTags = false;
            htmlMinificationSettings.RemoveEmptyAttributes = false;
            htmlMinificationSettings.PreservableAttributeList = "input[type]";
            IXhtmlMinificationManager xhtmlMinificationManager = XhtmlMinificationManager.Current;
            XhtmlMinificationSettings xhtmlMinificationSettings = xhtmlMinificationManager.MinificationSettings;
            xhtmlMinificationSettings.RemoveRedundantAttributes = true;
            xhtmlMinificationSettings.RemoveHttpProtocolFromAttributes = false;
            xhtmlMinificationSettings.RemoveHttpsProtocolFromAttributes = false;
            xhtmlMinificationSettings.RemoveEmptyAttributes = false;
            IXmlMinificationManager xmlMinificationManager = XmlMinificationManager.Current;
            XmlMinificationSettings xmlMinificationSettings = xmlMinificationManager.MinificationSettings;
            xmlMinificationSettings.CollapseTagsWithoutContent = true;
            IHttpCompressionManager httpCompressionManager = HttpCompressionManager.Current;
            httpCompressionManager.CompressorFactories = new List<ICompressorFactory>
                new DeflateCompressorFactory(),
                new GZipCompressorFactory()

    Once the configuration file is added to your project, the last thing you need to do is add a reference in the Global.asax file.

    protected void Application_Start()
        // Compression.