My Bookmarks

I thought I'd share a small list of websites that I keep going back to that may also be of interest to you as well.

If you like my website, then it's more than likely you'll like these websites as well. In no particular order:

This guy is a blogging machine, posting on a variety of subjects: Azure, Microsoft certifications, personal development/goals, hardware reviews and anything that he deems relevant. Jussi is a natural born writer and the type of blogger I strive to be. He has the ability to effortlessly write about a broad number of subjects in quick succession.


Fun and aesthetically pleasing. Great technical blog presented in a creative way. There are subtle noises when certain interactions are made throughout the site giving a somewhat tactile experience. Each post contains a very cool custom-made like button - try it and see.


I keep going back mainly for the personal posts rather than the technical content, as I don't specialise in the area Tyler writes - iOS apps. It was this website that inspired me to create this page. Take a look at Tyler's own list of "Very Nice Websites".


This guy beams with positivity and has a wealth of info in Microsoft technologies as well as personal projects and musings. As a lost student fresh out of University looking for a technical field to specialise in, Scott was the one who got me interested in .NET development and Microsoft-related technology. This website I'll truly hold dear.


If the success of a blogger can be quantified by how they have influenced you, then this would be the one that heavily influenced me. Through his posts, I re-thought the tech-stack of my website, photo storage workflow using Synology and photography inspiration.

One thing you'll notice about Paul's content is that he doesn't publish posts on a regular basis. But when a post is published, it's something to take notice as the subject matter is written in such great detail - quality over quantity.


I just happened to come across this site on after my own site was added to their showcase of low carbon websites, to which you can read about here. Marc Friederich website is coded with sustainability in mind and provides great content on the subject matter to make his online presenceas efficient as possible.

Even though I find all content a great read, it's the links section I find the most interesting where Marc manages to find great nuggets from around the web to share.
