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    Making my way through an MCTS book

    Over the last couple of months I have been reading through the "MCTS .NET Framework 2.0 for Web Applications" book in order to gain the first of what would hopefully be one of many Microsoft certifications. After reading the first couple of chapters, I found it to be a little daunting to say the least due to the fact that there are many coding techniques to get your head around. At the same time I have found it to be very useful in understanding good programming practices. Previously when I coded anything my motto was along the lines of "as long as the website works..." Not a good motto...

    I found the first couple of chapters were the most straight-forward and really showed me how much of a crap programmer I am. Even though the "MCTS .NET Framework 2.0 for Web Applications" book is very good I found that it lacked a bit more explanation in the more technical chapters as you carry on reading. So I decided to use a another C# book (unless you are going to read Visual Basic) to fill in the missing gap.

    The book I recommend is Murach's C# 2005 book which you can purchase here. It teaches you all the basic C# features that have carried over from earlier editions of C# that you'll use every day and underlying OOP concepts and features like inheritance and interfaces that make you a savvy, confident developer. This way you can use the MCTS book as a guide on what you need to learn and the C# book for further info.The same author has also written a coding book for VB as well which will be worth a read for people attempting the Visual Basic coding format.

    I just hope I have the energy to carry on reading...

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    Last Post Of The Year

    logo_bullguard Well this is my last post of 2007. Even though I have not made many posts since I started this blog, hopefully next year will give me more time to pad this blog out.

    Since I have created this blog entry, I might as well talk about something. Well a day or two ago my Bullguard Internet Security had expired and even though I have been meaning to purchase a new yearly license, it was not on my priority list. Normally, when your Internet Securty expires the only thing that you cannot do is get up-to-date virus definitions, which is not that much of a deal since your computer is still protected.

    However, what I found with Bullguard was that the Virus Scanner,  Firewall, and Spam Filter was locked until I purchased my new yearly license. I found this to be quite annoying since I had to find an alternative Internet Security suite until my new version of Bullguard was posted.

    This is only a minor grudge from a great piece of Intenet Security though!

    Oh yeah! Happy New Year!!!

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    1 min read

    Broadband Speed Shock Horror!!!

    A few weeks ago I was watching "The Gadget Show", which in the UK is a fun and informative show about gadgets (yeah the name of the show gave it away) and technology. Anyway, there was one episode which really got my attention. It was about the varied Broadband speed each household is getting around the UK. They believed that many people falling short of the "up to" speeds offered by their ISP, we're campaigning for the truth: advertised speeds reflecting what we're actually getting.

    I decided to test their speculation out for myself by using one of these online "Broadband Speed Checker's".

    How Does It Work?

    The speed checker downloads a file from the server and measures how long your connection takes to download it. The size of the file will be different according to your line speed. The speed checker measures the speed at the time of the test so if your network is running slow at that time then speed checker will report a slow speed. This does not necessarily mean that your internet connection is slow at the other times.

    My Findings

    I currently have a 2MB internet conneciton speed that is supplied by NTL (well now under Virgin Media). I carried out the test and not surprisingly my connection speed was not 2MB it was around 1.5MB. I know that compared to other users, my connection speed is not too much of a reduction. But still I am quite angry that I am not getting exactly what I paid for.

    Well what are you waiting for? Give it a go and you might be surprised that you didn't get what you paid for! Leave a comment and share your results.