
Posts written in September 2012.

  • Published on
    1 min read

    It’ll Be A Sad Day When iGoogle Is No More

    Amongst the number of services Google provides, iGoogle portal has to be at the top of my list. It’s my one stop shop for daily news, weather forecasts and playing the odd game. I was surprised when Google announced they will discontinue the service from November 2013. I was reminded by the deadline on my iGoogle page today, reinforcing that this is going to happen. I was hoping Google would reconsider but it doesn’t look like that's going to happen.

    iGoogle Discontinued

    Google’s decision to discontinue iGoogle in my opinion is a little rash. They claim: “With modern apps that run on platforms likeChromeandAndroid, the need for something like iGoogle has eroded over time”. And this is where the problem lies. Why does everything nowadays have to evolve around an app? Some things are best left accessible through a browser.

    I like getting to work in the mornings and gazing over the days topics. It’s bloody informative! I’ve yet to find an app that matches what iGoogle offers. iGoogle is a one page where everything is displayed without having to click to another page. Google Chrome's substitutes require me to do exactly that. Big waste of time.

    I’m not the type of person to be concerned about change and in most cases I welcome it with open arms. But this will take a little time to get use to.

    Goodbye old friend, you’ll be sorely missed!

  • Published on
    2 min read

    iOS Safari Browser Has A Massive Caching Issue!

    Safari iOS6It wasn’t until today I found that the Safari browser used on iPad and iPhone caches page functionality to such an extent that it stops the intended functionality. So much so, it affects the user experience. I think Apple has gone a step too far in making their browser uber efficient to minimise page loading times.

    We can accept browsers will cache style-sheets and client side scripts. But I never expected Safari to go as far as caching responses from web services. This is a big issue. So something as simple as the following will have issues in Safari:

    // JavaScript function calling web service
    function GetCustomerName(id)
        var name = "";
            type: "POST",
            url: "/Internal/ShopService.asmx/GetCustomerName",
            data: "{ 'id' : '" + id + "' }",
            contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
            dataType: "json",
            cache: false,
            success: function (result) {
                var data = result.d;
                name = data;
            error: function () {
            complete: function () {
        return name;
    //ASP.NET Web Service method
    public string GetCustomerName(int id)
       return CustomerHelper.GetFullName(id);

    In the past to ensure my jQuery AJAX requests were not cached, the “cache: false” option within the AJAX call normally sufficed. Not if you’re making POST web service requests. It’s only until recently I found using “cache:false” option will not have an affect on POST requests, as stated on jQuery API:

    Pages fetched with POST are never cached, so the cache and ifModified options in jQuery.ajaxSetup() have no effect on these requests.

    In addition to trying to fix the problem by using the jQuery AJAX cache option, I implemented practical techniques covered by the tutorial: How to stop caching with jQuery and JavaScript.

    Luckily, I found an informative StackOverflow post by someone who experienced the exact same issue a few days ago. It looks like the exact same caching bug is still prevalent in Apple’s newest operating system, iOS6*. Well you didn’t expect Apple to fix important problems like these now would you (referring to Map’s fiasco!). The StackOverflow poster found a suitable workaround by passing a timestamp to the web service method being called, as so (modifying code above):

    // JavaScript function calling web service with time stamp addition
    function GetCustomerName(id)
        var timestamp = new Date();
        var name = "";
            type: "POST",
            url: "/Internal/ShopService.asmx/GetCustomerName",
            data: "{ 'id' : '" + id + "', 'timestamp' : '" + timestamp.getTime() + "' }", //Timestamp parameter added.
            contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
            dataType: "json",
            cache: false,
            success: function (result) {
                var data = result.d;
                name = data;
            error: function () {
            complete: function () {
        return name;
    //ASP.NET Web Service method with time stamp parameter
    public string GetCustomerName(int id, string timestamp)
        string iOSTime = timestamp;
        return CustomerHelper.GetFullName(id);

    The timestamp parameter doesn’t need to do anything once passed to web service. This will ensure every call to the web service will never be cached.

    *UPDATE: After further testing it looks like only iOS6 contains the AJAX caching bug.

  • Working in the web industry and having the opportunity to develop a wide variety of websites, I like to take a snap-shot of a few pages for my portfolio (working on that!). But I generally come into issues when taking a screen-shot of a very long webpage. In fact, I always experience issues when screen grabbing a scrolling page.

    Luckily, I found a really useful add-on to Firefox called Fireshot. Fireshot makes it really easy to screenshot an entire page. Once you have made a screenshot, you can carry out the following tasks within the comfort of your browser:

    • Upload to Facebook, Picasa, Flickr.
    • Saved to disk as PDF/PNG/GIF/JPEG/BMP
    • Sent to clipboard
    • Print
    • E-Mail
    • Export

    I was expecting this tool generate a screen grab really slowly. Even on long pages with a lot of content, images are generated quickly. Take a look at the screen-shot I made of "" here.

    Definitely try it out.