
Posts written in May 2010.

  • Published on
    1 min read

    How to Change Site Name In SharePoint 2003 URL

    In SharePoint 2003, you will notice when you change the name of a site, the change is not reflected in the intranet URL. Modifying the site name within “Site Settings” will only change the title that is displayed when you visit the site.

    You have two options to change the site name you see in the URL:

    1. Delete and recreate your site.
    2. Backup your current site and restore content elsewhere on the intranet.

    You really wouldn’t want to consider the first option if your SharePoint site currently stores high volume of information. The best option would be to carry out a backup and restore using SharePoint’s “stsadm” command prompt. The time it takes to run the backup and restore process will entirely depend on the size of your site.

    So here’s the scenario. We have an intranet that currently contains a site called “InsuranceClaims”. However, this site needs to add additional data relating to employee health schemes. The site name in the web address needs to be renamed to “InsuranceAndHealthClaims”. In order to make this change, the following needs to be carried out:

    1. Backup the “InsuranceClaims” site using the stsadm backup command. The site has been backed up to a file called insurancebackup.bak.
    stsadm.exe -o backup -url -filename C:\insurancebackup.bak
    1. Create a new site called “InsuranceAndHealthClaims” from the SharePoint intranet.
    2. Restore the contents of the backup to the new site using the stsadm restore command.
    stsadm.exe -o restore -url -filename C:\insurancebackup.bak

    Providing all goes well when you run the backup and restore stsadm commands, you should get a “Operation completed successfully” message.

  • Published on
    2 min read

    Calling a ASP.NET Method Using jQuery

    Over the last few months I have had the ability to mess around with a bit of jQuery. Even though I don’t have the complete understanding on how it works, I can see the benefits of writing my code in jQuery compared to bashing out lots of lines of JavaScript to do the same thing.

    One the cool features I have used is calling one of my .NET methods using the “$.ajax” jQuery command. In my example (below), I have created two aspx pages. The code-behind of my first page  (jQueryMethodTest.aspx) will only contain a public static method called “WhatIsYourName”, which returns a string value.

    public static string WhatIsYourName(string name)
        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
            return String.Concat("Hello ", name, "!");
            return String.Empty;

    Remember, the jQueryMethodTest.aspx page only needs to contain our method nothing else! Additional methods can be added. Just don’t add any web controls.

    The second page (jQueryAjax.aspx), will contain our jQuery code and some HTML to output our result from calling the “WhatIsYourName” method.

    <html xmlns="">
    <head runat="server">
        <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="javascript/jquery.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        $(document).ready(function() {
            $("#btnSubmitName").click(function(event) {
                    type: "POST",
                    url: "jQueryMethodTest.aspx/WhatIsYourName",
                    data: "{'name': '" + $('#name').val() + "'}",
                    contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
                    dataType: "json",
                    success: function(message) {
                    error: NameFailed
        function ShowPopup(result) {
            if (result.d != "") {
            else {
                $("#Message").html("I didn't get your name.");
        function NameFailed(result) {
            $("#Message").html(result.status + ' ' + result.statusText);
        <form id="form1" runat="server">
            <input id="name" name="name" type="text" />
            <br />
            <input id="btnSubmitName" name="btnSubmitName" type="button" value="Submit" />
            <br /><br />
            <span id="Message" style="color:Red;"></span>

    If all goes well, you should get the following result:

    Calling ASP Method Using jQuery

    The “$.ajax” jQuery command requires the following parameters in order to work:

    • url – links to where our .NET method is placed.
    • data – retrieves the value from some control in our page to pass to our method. Remember, the name of the parameter must be named the same as the parameter from our .NET method.
    • dataType – the response type.
    • contentType – the request content type.
    • success – the JavaScript function that gets fired on postback.
    • error – the Javascript function that gets fired if there is a failure. This is an optional parameter.

    I guess jQuery’s motto really is true: “write less, do more”.